

How do you make a good pitch to convert a PC user to a Mac?

I ask this, as I was visiting Exmouth, England last weekend. After four pints of Stella Artois (OK six), I got into a conversation with a somewhat dour pub landlord. He was in despair with his PC for a variety of reasons that are well known.

His reluctance to switch was due to the usual story of not be able to run PC-friendly software programmes on a Mac. My new found knowledge of Parallel (thanks to Fryke) did little to impress him.

I am curious to know how recent switchers have found the move to Apple with this issue in mind. Which works better, bootcamp or Parellel, or is this an inappropriate question?
Please understand that windows is only as good as the programmers. In other words, when you put windows on a mac, windows will not get better, in will still be prone to viruses, hackers, etc.

I just converted to mac myself, and I found it very easy.
It is better if you know the programs he talking about he needs. This way you can find OS X programs that do the same things.
Please understand that windows is only as good as the programmers. In other words, when you put windows on a mac, windows will not get better, in will still be prone to viruses, hackers, etc.
A valid point, but I do understand this.

It is better if you know the programs he talking about he needs. This way you can find OS X programs that do the same things.
Family history. PC dominated.