the com_hunkmegs have simply nothing with the "cannot load default.cfg" error. It is just plain and simple a sign of that Q3 can«t find the default.cfg config located within pak0.pk3.
Yes, in 9, you have to increase the amount of allocated memory if you increase the com_hunkmegs, com_soundmegs etc. The 1.30 for 9 is very sensitive about these values, so you have to give Q3 ALOT more memory than I had to give 1.29 with the same config. I gave 1.29 200 megs, but when I started up 1.30 with the same amount and config, it simply froze everything. I now have 500 megs allocated to 1.30 in OS 9!
Then, if you want your version on 1.30 to play nicely on X, you will have to set
seta s_chunkmegs "2048"
seta s_mixahead "0.1" +/-. On my G4 466 I have to set this value to 0.14!
seta in_mouseHighEndCutoff "0"
seta in_mouseLowEndSlope "0"
there is ALOT of information about this in the
Quake3World Forums