Quake III Arena

No GamerAnger (:D). I hope GR dies.
But anywho...i can get a host, i just need somebody to help organize. And organizers CAN be in the tournament. :)
Originally posted by arden
What are you looking for for this tournament? Do you want someone to host, or do you want to set up a LAN? I'd be willing if I knew the details, and I could talk my parents into it.

I was thinking more like someone host a game, not really set a LAN party typa thing...
Provide me with details and a copy of Quake III (:)), and I will host a game.

Trip: Why could you possibly want GR to die? What do you have against it? Personally, I like it.
GameLamer is a pretty bad service for quake 3. Use Only Mortal. GR's server browser is poor and the one thing that might make GR attractive for some types of games, like board games, is bad for quake 3: the community. It's full of lamers and noobs and generally a frustrating experience to deal with. Besides, you don't want to host games on a computer that you play on, which is all that GR supports. You want a dedicated server.

GR is a newbie service, essentially.
I'd be willing to host a tournament game of Q3, if I could get a copy of Q3 and get the hard drive to work.
You could always buy a copy of Q3A:Gold. Its only $30 and its comes with QA3 and Team Arena and is both Mac and PC compatible (thank goodness...someone at ID is smart enough to think of it)
We could at least give it a shot, that is for those of us with broadband. I've only got cable, but I'll try hosting. IM me if anyone wants to play. BMD98 on AIM.
I am obsessed with first person shooters :D I have been playing them since the first Wolfenstein, and I got obsessed with Doom 2. I even made my own levels! I am working on one now even, if any of you would like to try it when I am done let me know! :)

I definately enjoyed Unreal Tournament (original version). I liked it better than Quake III, however I still find Quake III enjoyable. I am on a DSL right now.

A new Doom 2 level? I hardly think it's worth my time... but I'd like to see the effort you put into it (since my time's not worth very much—thanks inflation).
hehe, I bust out doom2 on my mac every now and then with all the cheats on, set it to the highest difficulty, have the monsters set to super speedy, and then run around in circles in this one level...and blast away at anything not me...hehehe...all the bodies...oh man, good times...but quake is still better:D
Oh yeah, that level! The one with a gajillion monsters that take like 400 rockets to kill. Which level is that again?... 16 or something?
Has anybody had problems after installing Quake 3? I used to play with it without any pb.
I reinstalled it recently and now when I want to play against bots, it doesn't work. All the bots seem to be refused by my server...
Do you know what it could be?
Heh, on my system, the mouse seems really laggy. I'm waiting for the update, so I can actually play. Anyone know if I can possibly fix it? One of my guesses is that the IRQ is too low, but some of my OSX using friends laughed at me and said mac's don't have IRQ's. (Since i'm a big slackware user and all, I kinda' don't understand how they couldn't.)

If it is the IRQ, can anyone tell me how I can load the USB mouse module with a higher IRQ?
Well, there is no low IRQ. It stands for Interrupt request, which is a signal that has a direct line to the computer processor allowing it to stop the processor momentarily and decide what to do next. I never heard about Macs not using IRQs. It's like you say Macs don't use any kind of bus-systems or so...
Your issue must have soemthing to do with your mouse-settings. Whether it's messed on macos as well or just quake.. You should find out. But it definitly has nothing to do with your IRQ.
The mouse is fine, but if you check the iD Software FTP then you'll see that a there is a new beta release. It's called Altivec Test 2, or whatever. I'm waiting for the true release, because it might fix my mouse lag problem.

Forget about IRQs. Manually setting which IRQs and DMA channels different peripherals use was necessary on pre-USB PCs. (I don't know anything about Apple's serial port system before USB, but I can't imagine it was that clunky.)

Isn't there an option in Q3A to increase the sensitivity of your mouse?

Or. . . let's see. You have a new 12" Powerbook. Is your mouse jumping all over the place? If so, what's running in the background? It's possible something is hogging the CPU and making your mouse jump.

Or maybe you're running the game at too high a resolution, though that hardly seems likely with such an old game and new compuer.
