Quartz Extreme


Ive Heard that Quartz Extreme Is not going to suport Rage 128 and worse
graphic cards Is this true and if so Why?
Is basically comes down to the fact that OS X is a memeory hog. Now, Apple "recommended" that 32Mb of video ram be available to run quartz extreme, whether than means the older cards will be supported, we do not know. If you have a tower, I would reccommend getting a new card anyway, if you;re like me, stuck with an iBook, then you;re just going to have to deal. But, I;ve been resigned for some time to the fact the my comp is no speed demon.:D

May the gods of quartz extreme smile down upon you....
I just realized that us folks with multiple monitors won't have access to Quartz Extreme either. My G4 came with a supported board, but this requires 2x AGP... There is only one AGP port on my Mac!

Currently my desktop is 2048 pixels wide. The only way I'd prevent a major cut in my screen real estate would be to get the 23" Cinema Display.

crap. I have to pick between big desktop and fast display!!!! aaaaargh!! :mad:
2X AGP doesnt mean you need to AGP slots in your computers, instead its the same as CD-ROMs. 2X means it is twice as fast as the original AGP... and 4X means it is four times faster...

so, if you have a supported card, Xtreme is for U
Why is this so hard to understand? Computers without the required video cards will run 10.2 at least as fast as now and probably faster. Those with the supported cards will get an additional speed boost. Nothing will be worse off because of QE.
I know what you mean neutrino23. It is not the case of the product 'Quartx Extreme' supporting the graphics cards, but of Apple supporting the graphics cards. Unsupported cards may well deliver some accelaration, just not as much as the supported ones.

We've talked about this before, and it's not a matter of Apple only supporting some video cards. Apple has simply recommended video cards with at least 32 mb of vram and 2X AGP for the best performance [gain].

It has to do with how much those video cards can handle, not what Apple wants to work with.

I have 2 video cards and 2 monitors. One card is AGP and will support QE. The other card is PCI (it *has* to be PCI) and will not support QE. So the question is, does 50% of my screen real estate get an extra boost from QE or do we go to the lowest common denominator?

I'd bank on the lowest common demoninator.

Then again it might just be really wierd with one side faster than the other...:D What would happen if I minimize a window from the nonaccelerated monitor and the dock is in the accelerated monitor? :confused: :D
Javintosh: your AGP monitor will see the boost. The PCI will not see the boost. Kinda like on my machine: I've got a PCI Rage 128 and a PCI Radeon 7000. If I kick on the visualizer in iTunes and drag it to the Rage 128 monitor, the frame rate goes down. If I drag the whole window to the monitor connected to the Radeon 7000, the frame rate jumps up. If I put the visualizer halfway on the Radeon monitor and halfway on the Rage 128 monitor, I get the lowest common denominator (the Rage 128 framerate) and sometimes slower.

Everyone else: I hope I can clarify this topic somewhat by what I'm going to say.

Jaguar (aka 10.2) will be faster than 10.1 in many respects. One will be graphics performance. EVERYONE will see a boost in graphics performance, no matter what card you're using. This is due to better code and what-not deep within the bowels of the system. No, it won't be lightning-quick, but simply faster overall.

Now on to Quartz Extreme: EVERYONE with an AGP-based Macintosh with ANY Apple-supplied AGP NVidia card will see the benefits of Quartz Extreme on the monitor connected to the AGP card. EVERYONE with an AGP ATi Radeon card, be it pre-installed or aftermarket WILL see the benefits of Quartz Extreme. Simply put, an AGP NVidia or AGP Radeon card IS THE ONLY REQUIREMENT OF QUARTZ EXTREME, regardless of how much video memory you have.

Now, 32MB of video RAM is what Apple recommends to see the full potential of Quartz Extreme. Got a 16MB AGP Radeon card? It's ok, you'll be able to see Quartz Extreme -- just not as well as someone with a 32MB AGP Radeon card.

Got a PCI Radeon 7000 card? You're out of luck. You've got a Radeon, yes. You've got 32MB of video RAM, yes. You've got AGP, no. AGP is required.

Apple never made a motherboard with 1x AGP. Everyone who has an AGP Mac has at least 2x AGP.

Another thing is that Quartz Extreme support is NOT required to RUN Jaguar. Jaguar will run on every piece of machinery that 10.1 runs on. Quartz Extreme is kinda like a modem in a respect -- will your computer run without it? Yup. Will you be missing out on something? Yup. Will it make Jaguar unusable on your machine? Nope.

Recap: Quartz Extreme requires an AGP NVidia or AGP Radeon card. Whatever video RAM. That's it. Plain and simple. The rest of the specs are recommendations (not requirements) to get the full experience out of Quartz Extreme.
You're ABSOLUTELY right about what you said, although there are a FEW too many bolds in your post. :)

But then again we absolutely *don't* know whether Quartz Extreme is even activated at less than 32 MB VRAM. We just don't know yet, as we either have no Jaguar build, no supported graphics adapter or no means of deciding whether it's running or not. Can someone with a 16 MB ATI or nVidia AGP card show us what 'top' shows in Terminal? Maybe it's a separate task...
You want BOLD? You say you want some BOLD? I'll give ya BOLD!

Ahem. Just for that, this entire post will be featured in eye-catching, true-to-life boldness for your viewing pleasure. I apologize in advance. :D

*nVidia: GeForce2MX, GeForce3, GeForce4 Ti, GeForce4 or GeForce4MX. ATI: any AGP Radeon card.

That's from Apple's website. I'm interpreting that to mean that the GeForce2MX, GeForce3, GeForce4 Ti, GeForce4 and GeForce4MX and any AGP Radeon cards are supported, regardless of video RAM or any other card feature.

32MB VRAM recommended for optimum performance.

That's from Apple's website. I'm interpreting that to mean that 32MB is a recommendation, not a requirement.
OK. I want to let people know that Jaguar (at least in my experience) definitely enabled QE on my LCD iMac (32 MB GeForce 2), and on my mom's iceBook, it was noticeably faster but there was NO graphics acceleration from QE; basically it did NOT activate, although Jaguar (the system) is still faster. (8 MB Rage Mobility). Now, I want to try it on a G4 with a 16 MB Rage 128, but my dad won't let me).
I have an iMac G3 with an ATI 128 (16 mb), and I'll realy like to be able to run QE... though it seems I'm out, since it's not a Radeon.
BTW, does it tell you anywhere if you are running QE or not, or do you just figure it out by the speed?
Laslty, since you have Jaguard, did they add a "replace all" button when copying multiple files already existing in the destination folder? It may sound like nothing, but God knows its realy annoying to have to click onb "replace" 20 time in a row ;)


Originally posted by Trik
Ive Heard that Quartz Extreme Is not going to suport Rage 128 and worse
graphic cards Is this true and if so Why?

I just started messing around with the WWDC seed.

All I can say is WOW!:D

I have a G4 400 with an ATI Rage 128 Pro, and I can still say WOW!

Everything is faster(including typing this in Chimera).


This is so good :D

Switching between applications is basically instant, opening a new browser window(chimera) is instant.

This is just amazing!



I forgot to say, that menus are now instant like they were in OS9!
I have an iMac DV SE 500 with 512MB and an IBM 40GB 7200RPM 2MB Cache...

10.1.4 is on the IBM... and works ok...

I have an old Quantum 6GB 5400RPM I put in a Lacie Firewire box (CD-RW box) just to try 10.2

Well, it is really nice to use and see! :)

Much better than 10.1.4 on the IBM!!!

And I have no QE... only 8MB VRAM...

Can't wait to se the final release... I want to buy it now!!! :D

Can't wait to see it on my next Mac I'm going to buy this summer! ;)
