Question - Answer


How much bandwidth and disk space does threads like this waste on Admin's server? Or more important, will Admin be switching to an Xserve soon? :D
Not much, at least this isn't one of those attachment based threads.

How fast can you down a pint of beer?

BTW Paragon - it's been a long time since I did my GCSE physics, but I thought one Kilogram excerted a force of 'g' newtons, g being 9.81. 1000/g = 101.9368, i.e. just over a hundred. The value of 10 Newtons to the Kilo is an approximation :p

Bernie :o)
// edit - removed some libellous comments about mudvayne fans...
Replacement answer - approximately 500,000 (at a guess)

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

Bernie :o)
Originally posted by bighairydog
BTW Paragon - it's been a long time since I did my GCSE physics, but I thought one Kilogram excerted a force of 'g' newtons, g being 9.81. 1000/g = 101.9368, i.e. just over a hundred. The value of 10 Newtons to the Kilo is an approximation :p

Bernie :o)

True...I thought you meant more than that. :D
Probably not.

Sorry, I didn't mean personal offence, I was just in a really bad mood when I wrote that post. Deep breath... it's passed now. It was way over the top, and I'll go edit it now.


Bernie :o)
hey its fine i get in bad moods myself from times to time,

we just need to remind ourselves we are all friends here, we all have alot in common (macs's)

Question: who needs a hug?
Some members need more than hugs. I'm not saying who, and I'm not saying what else they might need. :)

Who is looking forward to a three day weekend?
Answer: Uhm...

Question: Why is it that a wide majority of posts in this thread do not go along with the point of this topic?
Originally posted by Bluefusion
Diabolical laughter

Oops, my fault. From the last three posts, this thread looked like the Word Association thread. Sorry :)

Answer: Because I have too many browser windows open and can't keep track of them all :)