Question - Answer

Brian Warner
PS You spelled his name wrong. It's Marilyn.

What is the name of the pirate ship given to you by your uncle in Ev Nova?
Originally posted by TheTick
Quantum Theory: Basically that an atom could exist only in a discrete set of stable energy states.

Question: Solve using the Quadratic Formula.

11x + 6x(squared)=10

sorry, couldn't figure out how to do exponents.

Exponents can be expressed as 4^2 or 5^3 etc.
Originally posted by wdw_
You can't answer that without the IMG code (which is turned off in Herve's Bar & Grill) turned on. So the only way someone can answer that is by doing this: Formula

This is incorrect. Using parentheses to indicate grouping as in a regular mathematical equation, the quadratic formula is (negative b plus or minus the square root of (b squared minus four times a times c)) divided by two times a -- where a, b, and c are the coefficients for the quadratic equation a times x squared plus b times x plus c equal to zero.

In TheTick's example, a is 6, b is 11, and c is -10. Using the quadratic formula, we get that one root or solution is: 0.667
and the other root or solution is: -2.500 (both answers rounded to three decimal places).

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck had to run an Execution Order debug script that couldn't set breakpoints on inlined functions but the function in question has to be verified to achieve 100% non-incidental code coverage according to the DO-178B specification? :D
What the? Please repeat. :D

How much, on average, do Windows users perspire due to crashes/viruses/etc.?
Repeat which part? The quadratic formula is quite straightforward, I just didn't do all of the calculations. TheTick didn't ask for a step-by-step accounting of the solution, just the solution itself. :)

Oh, to answer your question: 3 gallons per hour

What I am tryng to do is verify the execution order of a number of functions given to us by our customer in a procurement specification....

I could babble on about this for another two hours and still no one would understand me... :p
Yes, nkuvu, you're a professor. :D (j/k)

How much do Mac users emit joy due to happiness with their mac?
50? 100? 200?

Who has a higher watt stereo than me? Two "bazooka tube" subwoofers, 100 watts each; two midrange drivers, 75 watts each, two tweeters per speaker, 25 watts each...?

Anyone? :)

LOL sometimes it's just fun to brag :)
Pick an answer bluefusion, one of those is correct

EDIT: doh, since xoot went had an posted....

None, you don't have a brain xoot

Will I pass my English final?
A custom tailored one from Nissan, GPS, Mac built in, smooth ride. (riding right now)

What kind of car does JohnnyD have?
A red Honda Civic. :D

Why do donuts have holes in them? Why couldn't they just be invented as a whole?
I consulted the magic eight ball: "Outlook not so good".

Which of course means that Microsoft wanted it to be that way, so they stole all the donut holes. :D

My question: Who?
That's Who.

No oine answered my question, so again...
What is the name of the pirate ship given to you by your uncle in EV Nova?
macguy17: A Starbridge? I have no idea, really. :p (Me feels a 10-post outage soon.)

How do you pronounce "ghoti"? (Use phonetic spelling as best you can.)