mr. k Registered Feb 19, 2003 #441 A:that guy who reads macworld who maxxed out his library at 32k songs? Q:whats easier to learn: php, C, or french?
A:that guy who reads macworld who maxxed out his library at 32k songs? Q:whats easier to learn: php, C, or french?
mr. k Registered Feb 19, 2003 #442 Q:Question: How many episodes of the Simpson's have there been? (Hint: Its more then 300) A:301, as of 2/16/03 Q:see my last post?
Q:Question: How many episodes of the Simpson's have there been? (Hint: Its more then 300) A:301, as of 2/16/03 Q:see my last post?
dlloyd Official Pianist Feb 19, 2003 #443 A: PHP, but I don't know any of the others Q: Why isn't this thread more popular? PS, mr. k: please the read the rules for this thread, they are posted in the very first post.
A: PHP, but I don't know any of the others Q: Why isn't this thread more popular? PS, mr. k: please the read the rules for this thread, they are posted in the very first post.
JohnnyV Registered Feb 19, 2003 #444 Answer: Because we don't advertise enough!! Question: What should I do with my life?
dlloyd Official Pianist Feb 20, 2003 #446 A: To your execution! Q: What are some of the best games for the Mac?
Trip Registered Feb 20, 2003 #447 Answer: Games like THPS 3, WC 3, Civ. 3, and anything else ending with a 3. Question: What if we refered to rocks as leaves and leaves as rocks?
Answer: Games like THPS 3, WC 3, Civ. 3, and anything else ending with a 3. Question: What if we refered to rocks as leaves and leaves as rocks?
Cat Registered Feb 21, 2003 #448 Answer: Nothing would really change, but we would all get mightily confused... Question: Can machines think?
Answer: Nothing would really change, but we would all get mightily confused... Question: Can machines think?
Ugg Registered Feb 21, 2003 #449 A: No, they can only remember. Q: Why does blueberry tea taste like dirt?
chevy Marvelous Da Vinci Staff member Mod Feb 21, 2003 #450 A: Because you cannot prepare it. Q: Why does iTunes need so much RAM ?
chevy Marvelous Da Vinci Staff member Mod Feb 24, 2003 #451 Q2: Why does iPhoto need so much RAM (forget about my previous question)
Darkshadow wandering shadow Feb 25, 2003 #452 A: Because it was made that way Q: What's a good word that rhymes with on?
chevy Marvelous Da Vinci Staff member Mod Feb 25, 2003 #453 A: satisfaction Q: why can't I get no ~ ?
xaqintosh Master of Reality Feb 25, 2003 #454 A: You haven't been eating enough pizza Q: How do you make leather waterproof?
chevy Marvelous Da Vinci Staff member Mod Feb 26, 2003 #455 A: you spray it Q: why do you want to make leather waterproofed ?
xaqintosh Master of Reality Feb 28, 2003 #456 A: because IMO, if clothes aren't waterproof they are relatively useless, especially coats. Q: how long does the spray stuff last?
A: because IMO, if clothes aren't waterproof they are relatively useless, especially coats. Q: how long does the spray stuff last?
weaselworld Registered Feb 28, 2003 #457 A: About a day in the rain the last time I checked. Q: Would it be possible for me to trim my fingernails without cutting off my fingers?
A: About a day in the rain the last time I checked. Q: Would it be possible for me to trim my fingernails without cutting off my fingers?
JetwingX iWork for Apple <3 Feb 28, 2003 #458 A: file them down Q: did the site stopping annoy anyone?
TommyWillB Registered Feb 28, 2003 #459 A: Yes! I actually experienced my first Jaguar Kernel Panic as a result. Q: Are you expecting nice weather this weekend?
A: Yes! I actually experienced my first Jaguar Kernel Panic as a result. Q: Are you expecting nice weather this weekend?
chevy Marvelous Da Vinci Staff member Mod Mar 1, 2003 #460 A: Weather was supposed to be bad, but it's warm and sunny this morning Q: What is the most needed new forum on ?
A: Weather was supposed to be bad, but it's warm and sunny this morning Q: What is the most needed new forum on ?