Question - Answer

For the same reason that if you ain't sh*t, that is a bad thing; but if you are sh*t that is a bad thing too.

So, they have me coming and going. But who are they?
The same reason you fly on a runway and run for a fly ball.

Have you really read ever question/answer in this thread before getting to this one?
if you can interact with them yes

if you could get your log distance bill and your local bill in one would you go for it (no i don't work for SBC or MCI :D)
A: To that latex recycler in the sky

Q: Why did my keyboard stop working when I spilled a can of coke all over it?
A: We can only try...

Q: Did it rain where you are on Sunday? It did here (extreme Northern California) , I sort of like the rain.
Not here in the south of Northern California. (San Francisco) It was beautiful.

Living in "extreme North", isn't it almost a requirement that you DO like the rain? (My brother used to refer to Portland as Puddle Town.)
A: I moved here about a year ago from Seattle and Arcata in comparison is a tropical paradise. It's cloudy and foggy a lot but it really doesn't rain that often.

Q: Why is San Francisco considered to be northern California when it's located over 350 miles from the Oregon border?
Because it is also that far from El Ay and closer to the politics of Arcata than Anaheim.

Are there any rules against two people continuing to answer each other's questions?
A: Hmmm, me think footprints lead to next meal.... It had to have been reading.

Q: Why am I up so late?
Too much coffe, man! :D

Why is translating German to English harder than writing in English in the first place?