Quick Time - new version disaster?


Anyone else downloaded the latest version of QT and found it a system killer? My iMac G4 700mhz w/ lots of memory just hung when I opened the QT Player; had to manually kill the process. Anyojne else?
No. Even on my 400Mhz Tibook. Try opening Applications->Disk Utility-> and run Repair Permissions on your startup drive. Also, if you let your system sleep at night, download a free cron strip runner (that the BSD shell of OS X needs to run - that happens late at night if the machine is left on) like MacJanitor or others. This should help your Quicktime problems. Good Luck.
thanks satcomer;
btw, what's a TiBook? do you mean a clamshell, and if you do I'm interested: we've got a 466 SE (keyLime, remember?!) with about 400mb ram. D'you think it'll cope with 10.3 (currently using 9.2.2)?
welcome, you're obviously a newbie!!

A tibook is a titainium powerbook
an AluBook is an aluminium powebook

there are heaps of these abbriviations floating around. Just look at ppls signatures!

Yep, your imac should be fine ive got one the same as yours but not SE so its only 400MHz it runs panther (10.3) fine!
My backup Mac is a clamshell Graphite iBook, 366 mhz, 384 of ram and it runs better and faster with Panther than it did on Jaguar and/or 9.2. With the specs you mentioned, Panther will run just dandy on your keylime.