I installed qt 6 and when i opened a divx file, the video played all great and everything, but the sound wasn't working...any ideas? ( and yes i made sure the sound was on)
Go to http://www.divx.com and download the Mac OS X alpha software. It works fine and only involves dragging some files into /Library/Quicktime. You don't even need to restart the Quicktime player. There's also a handy Divx Validator for converting peski Divx files that can't be immediately recognized by Quicktime.
Didnt work for me...I dled the DivX 5.0 Alpha Ä but when i dragged the components under the folder called OSX to Library/Quicktime...it still didnt work. I tried the Validator as you sed, but it just quit. Any other ideas? Do i need to log out and relog in?
Yes, try logging out and in. I didn't have to, but the Divx software might be different and I'm sure my machine is configured, uh, differently than yours. Let us know how it goes!
E-mail me at chenly@mn.rr.com. I'll e-mail a tarball of all my /Library/QuickTime components. Just copy them in, replacing anything with the same name.