QuickTime 6 and DivX movies


Apple Avid
I installed qt 6 and when i opened a divx file, the video played all great and everything, but the sound wasn't working...any ideas? ( and yes i made sure the sound was on)
Go to http://www.divx.com and download the Mac OS X alpha software. It works fine and only involves dragging some files into /Library/Quicktime. You don't even need to restart the Quicktime player. There's also a handy Divx Validator for converting peski Divx files that can't be immediately recognized by Quicktime.
Didnt work for me...I dled the DivX 5.0 Alpha Ä but when i dragged the components under the folder called OSX to Library/Quicktime...it still didnt work. I tried the Validator as you sed, but it just quit. Any other ideas? Do i need to log out and relog in?
Yes, try logging out and in. I didn't have to, but the Divx software might be different and I'm sure my machine is configured, uh, differently than yours. Let us know how it goes!
Logging out and logging in didnt do the trick. Still no sound, but there is video.is there any preference i need to change?