Quicktime opens instead of the selected application


Quicktime opens when I try to open any application. This occurs whether I open applications on the Dock, on the Desktop, or in the Applications folder. I get the following message: "Couldn't finish initializing application because the file was not found." and when I click "OK", Quicktime is running. Programs in Mac OS9 run fine.
Try doing a prebinding update. Type this into the terminal and enter your root password when prompted:

sudo update_prebinding -root / -force

Just like that. Should take a while to run and re-prebind stuff... then, restart immediately after doing that. Make sure you run that without any other programs running. It sounds like your applications aren't linking to the right libraries/application files...

So, try this... restart your machine. Log in with the shift key held down... this will prevent anything in your login items from starting. Launch the terminal. Type that command in the terminal and let it run. When it's done, quit the terminal and restart one more time. That should take care of it! If it doesn't, let us know!
Thanks for the info. Gave it a try, but it didn't work. I got the following message: "Number of files unsuccessfully prebound: 24". Does this mean anything?
Yup, that means that out of the hundreds of files on your system that do require prebinding, only 24 of them didn't get re-prebound -- and those files are probably files in use by the system... with cryptic filesnames like "Kerberos.System.Helper" or something like that...

If that didn't work, I don't know what's going on -- you may want to try to run the "Priveleges fix" thing on Apple's site -- it resets all the permissions on your applications back to their original state. Check around on versiontracker.com for something called "Priveleges fix" or "Permissions fix." Hope that helps!
I truly appreciate your help! I'll try "Permissions Fix" as you suggested, and if that doesn't work I'll reformat the whole damn drive and start from scratch (yes, I AM desperate!). This must be an unusual problem; I still haven't gotten a response from Apple's forums. I will post an exact solution to the problem here if I ever find one.
Have you tried deleting Quicktime? I'm having a similar probably with Installer (every app opens Installer instead of itself) but the only way I've fixed it is by deleting Installer.

Now to fix the actual problem...

Please let me know if you find a solution!!!