Quicktime uses old version of Flash


Licensed Computer Geek
This is driving me insane. When Quicktime tries to handle a Flash movie, it uses an old 5.0.something version of Flash player, despite having installed the latest version (6.0.whatever.) I had to remove the Quicktime Plugin from /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ because any time Safari tried loading something requiring Flash 6, it would fail, because Quicktime tried to handle it. Is there some way to force Quicktime to use the new version of Flash?
I don't know, but I've run into similar problems -- I can no longer export to QuickTime from Flash MX -- QuickTime complains that it doesn't have the proper "handler."

Damn. I really got a kick out of making interactive QuickTime movies from Flash... ho hum.
Quicktime has always been a version behind. The last only handled version 4, this only version 5, so i don't expect any changes till it goes to 7.

What are you trying to have in the flash track anyway? If it is coded a certain way that uses MX code, then you will need to be creative with a work around, else, export as version 5. I used it to make some very powerful things along with livestage and GoLive, Quicktime is still one of the best.
I'm just trying to view some web pages with embedded Flash. These Flash movies seem to be coded so that they absolutely require Flash 6, because when the Quicktime Plugin tries to handle them, it just displays a broken Quicktime movie icon. When opened with Quicktime Player, it complains that the file contains invalid movie data.
um, maybe I'm missing something, why not use the flash player for embeded flash files. Or do you mean quicktime movies with embed flash tracks? If the flash movies were published in MX they will not function in quicktime.
Well, I'm trying to use the Flash 6 Player plugin, but when the Quicktime Plugin is present, it insists on handling Flash movies instead, so anything requiring Flash 6 won't work. The only solution I've found it to remove the Quicktime Plugin, but then embedded Quicktime movies don't work. Argh.
That sounds messed up! Have you tried deleting this file? user/Library/Preferences/com.apple.quicktime.plugin.preferences.plist ? This file is known to affect more than just QuickTime, and would be worthwhile deleting to try to fix your problem. i never have a problem with either flash movies on the web, or QuickTime on the web. You should then reinstall the update for Flash (it should tell you that you already have the latest version)
Okay, that file was the key. It has the MIME types that the plugin is supposed to handle. So just edit the file to disable Flash handling in the Quicktime Plugin, and all is well.

			<string>Flash file</string>

That's what you do. Close Safari, search for that key, then change that final <true/> to <false/>, save the file, and open Safari. Everything works fine now. Thanks.
Ooh, that's neat. Post editing is disabled, so I can't fix the xml tags in the quote block that were completely blown away. Just search for that MIME type, and change WebPluginTypeEnabled to false.
OH my!! If that's all we have to do i'll be so happy. I've spent hours trying to figure out my coworkers computer and and never found a solution. I'll try that!!
Yeah, it worked fine for me. Now Safari sends Flash movies to the real Flash player, rather than the Quicktime Plugin.