I'm the one who posted about iPhoto being so dog slow on my G4 800MHz iMac with 512MB of memory.
It would seem that my experience is somewhat unique, based on what I've read elsewhere. Sure, iPhoto is a dog, but it sucks up all but 7MB of RAM when I start it up.
Someone suggested I run hardware diagnostics (just did that, everything was fine) and if it found nothing, possibly do a reinstall of the OS.
When I bought Panther, I just did an upgrade over Jaguar, even though several people were recommending a full wipe and install of Panther. I am wondering if perhaps that's not contributing to my problem. Or perhaps if not having a clean OS install in 18 months is not helping either.
So I have decided to wipe everything and install Panther cleanly. I'm offloading all of my important stuff to my firewire drive as I type this.
My question is this: When I bought Panther, I just put the three CD-ROM's into my leather CD holder where I put all of my software. Before I jump in feet-first, I am concerned about 2 things:
1 - Does Panther truly only come on 3 CDs? (Yes, I am so neurotic that I worry that I lost the 4th, 5th and 6th CDs)
2 - Does Panther require a serial number upon installation or registration? I don't remember, and there are no serial numbers written on the manual and Installation and Setup guide that I have.
3 - If the answer to #2 is yes, is there any way to find said serial number within the OS prior to wiping everything?
I apologize in advance for the ignorance of my questions, but I have never really done much messing with my iMac since I bought it and wiping and reinstalling makes me somewhat nervous.
It would seem that my experience is somewhat unique, based on what I've read elsewhere. Sure, iPhoto is a dog, but it sucks up all but 7MB of RAM when I start it up.
Someone suggested I run hardware diagnostics (just did that, everything was fine) and if it found nothing, possibly do a reinstall of the OS.
When I bought Panther, I just did an upgrade over Jaguar, even though several people were recommending a full wipe and install of Panther. I am wondering if perhaps that's not contributing to my problem. Or perhaps if not having a clean OS install in 18 months is not helping either.
So I have decided to wipe everything and install Panther cleanly. I'm offloading all of my important stuff to my firewire drive as I type this.
My question is this: When I bought Panther, I just put the three CD-ROM's into my leather CD holder where I put all of my software. Before I jump in feet-first, I am concerned about 2 things:
1 - Does Panther truly only come on 3 CDs? (Yes, I am so neurotic that I worry that I lost the 4th, 5th and 6th CDs)
2 - Does Panther require a serial number upon installation or registration? I don't remember, and there are no serial numbers written on the manual and Installation and Setup guide that I have.
3 - If the answer to #2 is yes, is there any way to find said serial number within the OS prior to wiping everything?
I apologize in advance for the ignorance of my questions, but I have never really done much messing with my iMac since I bought it and wiping and reinstalling makes me somewhat nervous.