RAM Question


I just bought a 2011 15" MBP with the 2.0 GHz i7 and 4 GB of RAM. I upgraded to OS X Lion last week. Yesterday I noticed that I have a few page outs. I was using the computer n ormally and only running safari, itunes, and mail. I did open the mac app store once anf the beachball came up when opening new pages. My page in/out ratio was roughly 525MB/47.7MB after less than 8 hours of it being on. However, I did not see my free memory get below 1 GB. Should I be concerned or is this normal? This is my first mac and I'm not very familiar with the how OS X works. Any info woulds be appreciated.
Anytime you can increase your ram, it is a good thing to do. Stops a lot of headaches. I have a macro work station and I upped my ram to 10 gigs of ram. It really helps things run a lot smoother.
Thanks for your reply. I havent had any slow downs when using these applications so i just wanted to know if some page outs are normal. I would like to upgrade to 8 GB of RAM but I didnt think running these applications would put me in the market for RAM after 2 weeks of owning the computer
Well, yes, but you also upgraded to Lion during that time - so, you changed your MacBook Pro system software significantly from the original.
And, Lion needs significantly more resources than Snow Leopard. 4GB is no longer the huge amount of RAM that it used to be...
Your MacBook Pro can be upgraded to as much as 16GB. I'm not sure if I recommend spending that much just for more memory, but there's certainly some options for you:

OTOH, if you have no obvious performance issues, then a few page outs may not really be significant.