Random iTunes..



OK, I looked all over the place and can not find what seems like a simple peice of software.

I have a good collection of audio CDs and have made a playlist of all of them. I don't like iTunes built in shuffle button because it still creates a playlist that will be repeated in the specific order.

What I am looking for is something that will randomly choose a song from the playlist. It will then play the song. When the song is finished it will choose another random song and play it. However, after each song is played, it will not be played again until the entire playlist has been played one random song at a time.

Does anyone know if a program like this exists? If not, maybe this would be a great job for a programmer needing inspiration with a bit of time on their hands.

Let me know if you know of anything that might serve my needs.

Thanks in advance!

You might achieve this by creating a smart playlist, setting it to select songs sorted by the last played date.
Originally posted by martinatkinson
I don't like iTunes built in shuffle button because it still creates a playlist that will be repeated in the specific order.

Actually, this isn't quite true. While it does create a playlist, it is not repeated in that order. Upon coming to the end of the playlist and repeating, it re-shuffles the playlist, creating the same effect as if it was choosing randomly with no repeats until it has played all the songs. It simply makes all its random choices at the beginning.

Did they add this feature to the latest release of iTunes? Because I remember trying it earlier and it did not work like that. Maybe it was on a different version but I just tried it and it worked. Thanks alot!!!
