Random Questions


Think Different
I have a few random questions I didn't see a place to ask them so I thought this would be best...

I just bought OS X Panther on eBay and am waiting for it to be shipped to me.

I guess my first question is that will run with an older iMac G3 with a 9.5GB Hard Drive with a CD Rom and USB/Firewire cables already installed right? It had it on there before but I bought it from a yard sale so I am hoping it works.

My 2nd question is I have a new (not thew new new ones :( sad face) iMac Intel. It has Tiger oviosuly, I am going to be buying Lepoard when it comes out, does Lepoard come with iLife 08' ? If not should I buy iLife 08'

I guess that's really it for now.
I hope you bought your copy of Panther on CD-ROMs instead of DVDs. If they're on DVD, you're going to have a hard time booting to them with a CD-ROM drive... of course, you could connect your iMac G3 to your Intel iMac via FireWire target disk mode and install Tiger (seeing that you have the proper rights, of course, wouldn't want to illegal now...) on the G3 as easily as a FireWire external hard drive.

To do the aforementioned trick, boot the Intel iMac from the Mac OS X Tiger install DVD with a FireWire cable between it and the G3. Start the G3 holding down the "t" key on the keyboard until the screen shows a lovely FireWire icon jumping about. The G3 should show up as an option to install to.
iLife is usually sold separately from the OS X systems.
iLife 08 may be good for your intel Mac, but for your G3 it would most likely not work - not enough resources.
The install of 10.3 should work, worst case as Qion explains alternative install options.
PANTHER CAME TODAY!!! YAY!!! I can't believe it .... it came all the way from California to New York in two days. I paid for it thursday, and it's here on Saturday! GOSH I love eBay sometimes. I am installing it right now. So far so good. I'll keep you guys posted & ask all my ?s in here afterwards.
Does everybody still have a Razr? Honestly.

You can get RAM from various places. I personally prefer www.crucial.com, or selecting from various companies at www.macmall.com.

(Off topic, but I just watched "Click" and "Lord of War", and I have to say that they're my favorites from the past couple years. I'm sure "Renaissance" will be great once I go rent it as well.)
How much ram, does your iMac have already?
Nope, I don't have a RAZR, I have a Nokia phone.
I am posting this with my iMac g3 YAY!!!! It's not that bad either... not super fast, but good enough for AIM and surfing, but yea I'd like to get atleast 1 512 .. it has two sticks of something in it now and its at 256 i gotta assume its 2 64mbs or something like that.

ill keep my eyes open around eBay. I just spent 75 on the Cpu and 50 on Panther, and im gunna have to get a new keyboard for my intel mac so i can give my intel white keyboard to this... its getting $$$ quick for just a messing around cpu. but its fun!
You have 2 memory slots in your iMac, so one 128MB will be replaced with a 512MB, giving you 640MB with that configuration. You can install a maximum of 2x512MB for a total of 1GB.
It is running 10.3.9, so it'll only need 512 mb, after 512 it will mostly depend on the processor. How fast is it BTW.
At the moment? It's 400 MHz Power PC G3

I bought this thing a few weeks ago from a 2nd hand store, called FastMac g4 Processor Upgrade For G3 Power Macs. I however think I was scamed and they just put the old chip in there. I took a picture of it, does anyone know what this does, or if it is better then what I have now?


The picture looks like a processor card that will go into the processor socket on a PowerMac G3 (Blue & White), or maybe a PowerMac G4 PCI model.
If you purchased it with the idea that you could use it with your iMac - that won't be possible. Your processor is not upgradeable, except for a couple of companies where you could ship your iMac (or maybe just your logic board, I don't remember?), and they would install an upgrade.
But, not the card that you bought. It's made to fit the socket on some older PowerMac models, not iMacs.
aww nuts, then I am glad I only paid like $5 bucks for it. I still wanna upgrade the memory though. Does anyone have any sugestions to make the screen less blurry?
aww nuts, then I am glad I only paid like $5 bucks for it. I still wanna upgrade the memory though. Does anyone have any sugestions to make the screen less blurry?

The only way I can think of to regain anything is to either buy or build an electromagnetic arial and bring it slowly closer and closer to the iMac's CRT... might be kind of dangerous with other equipment, though, and forget about it if you have a pacemaker.

(Maybe the best thing to do is deal with it. You're a bit bias coming from a 20" LCD, anyway.)
That would be a degaussing coil, and that iMac already has one built-in, and won't really help with a fuzzy screen. You can try adjusting the video focus, but you have to remove the bottom case to get at those controls. Anyway, some of the older iMacs are as sharp as they will ever get.