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That would be a degaussing coil, and that iMac already has one built-in, and won't really help with a fuzzy screen. You can try adjusting the video focus, but you have to remove the bottom case to get at those controls. Anyway, some of the older iMacs are as sharp as they will ever get.

The degaussing coils lose power and range as they age, as you probably know.
The degaussing coils lose power and range as they age, as you probably know.

No, I don't know that. A degaussing coil is just a loop of wire, nothing fails unless you break a wire, or short out the coil. The built-in coil is not affected by age, and you can hear it work - the mild 'snapping' sound when power is first applied.
That being said - the degaussing circuit that applies the voltage to the coil might fail, but the coil itself doesn't go weak with time.
Anyway, this thread is not about a problem that would be helped by degaussing.
No, I don't know that. A degaussing coil is just a loop of wire, nothing fails unless you break a wire, or short out the coil. The built-in coil is not affected by age, and you can hear it work - the mild 'snapping' sound when power is first applied.
That being said - the degaussing circuit that applies the voltage to the coil might fail, but the coil itself doesn't go weak with time.
Anyway, this thread is not about a problem that would be helped by degaussing.

I'll know you.

You're utterly correct. I stand soforthly.