.rar --> .nrg = What the Heck!?


So I have a file that has about 40 .rar files in it. I opened one of these files with Unrar program that was recommended on this site, but then I get a .nrg file. These are supposed to be videos, but I can't seem to get them to work. What is a .nrg file? Can mplayer make them work? Thanks!!
nrg files are Nero image files, iirc. You will need nero to burn those and Nero is just available for windows systems.
Anyway, to me it sounds like the source for this file was illegal. Check out our board rules to prevent any mod-interaction.
The files were given to me by my roomate, they supposedly a movie, but I am pretty sure that they are not illegal, as I am sure this was not copyrighted material.
There is an application called nrg2iso that works under OS X, search google for it. I think you may be able to just rename is to whatever.iso - I may be wrong on that tho.
I am not really experienced enough to go and mess around with command lines. Supposedly Gumby can do the same thing, but I have yet to figure it out either. Any suggestions?
Actually, this is your chance to compile a binary for the first time. :) Get the source here - http://gregory.kokanosky.free.fr/v4/linux/nrg2iso.en.html - and unstuff it somewhere. Then use the Terminal to go to that directory (type 'cd ' and then drag the folder nrg2iso to the Terminal window and hit enter). And then type 'make'. You'll end up with a binary called nrg2iso. You can then just type ./nrg2iso in that directory, add the source file and a destination name. :)

Very easy for a command line tool. :)
Okay I followed your directions, but I get:

'tcsh: /Downloads/nrg2iso-0.4: command not found.'

Any idea why it might be doing this?
Yep, you probably didn't follow what I wrote. ;-)

1.) Download the thing. Unpack it. You end up with a folder called nrg2iso-0.4.
2.) Open Terminal. Type "cd " (with the space!) and drag the folder nrg2iso-0.4 to the Terminal window. Then hit enter in the Terminal.
3.) Type 'make' and hit enter. nrg2iso is now compiled and ready.
4.) In the Terminal, type "./nrg2iso " (with the space!) and drag your .nrg file to the Terminal window. Then type a space, if there isn't one already after the filename and type the name you wish the resulting file to have, for example "mymovie.iso".
5.) Hit enter and nrg2iso should do its magic. The file should end up in the nrg2iso-0.4 folder.
6.) Burn this resulting .iso file using either Disk Utility, Toast or any other capable burning software.
Yep worked that time. Thanks for your help. I really should get a book and start to read about the terminal. Do you have any suggestions? Preferably something really dumb, so even an idiot like myself can understand it.
Howabout "UNIX for Dummies?"


Or "UNIX for Mac?"


If you have the chance, I would highly recommend taking a class on basic UNIX if you're the kind of person that would enjoy UNIX -- tinkering with little scripts, editing files by hand, making little programs, etc. You can even compile your own programs easily just by obtaining the source code. It's quite intriguing and very powerful, but only to the right people.