
My machine will come with software pre-installed (Apple basics), so should I repartition the 60 gig hard drive still, then manually reinstall everything? I plan on using OS X maybe about 75% of the time, and booting into OS 9.2 25%; I'll probably use classic in its shell kinda often. I have also seen somewhere about having an OS X with OS 9 partition, then a seperate OS 9 partition. Any reasons for this?
One thing I've noticed with older versions of the OS and partitions is if you put your apps on a seperate partition (with an alias to the folder on the OS partition), then updated the OS, it would create a new apps folder on the OS partition instead of following the alias left behind. Does OS X have the same behavior?
Lastly, anyone know some good beginner's books on the unix stuff? I've helped people out with problems pre-OS X, but wary of dabbling with Unix until I get more knowledge, play around with it, crash it, and all that other fun stuff!
Thanx to all for any help & suggestions!
UPDATE: I've got my sweet machine!