Lt Major Burns
"Dicky" Charlteston-Burns
what are your reactions to Vista now we can see something a little more concrete, a little bit more like a finished OS. this will dominate the world for the next five years, so: thoughts, please!
my reactions are: it does look powerful, a lot more like we want an OS to be. yes it borrows a lot from MacOS, but seeing as this is the future we use, it was inevitable. my hope is that the extra time it's taken to build Vista/longhorn may mean that the things like index search and smart/virtual folders will be better integrated and more logical than the (rushed, IMO) apple counterparts.
my reactions are: it does look powerful, a lot more like we want an OS to be. yes it borrows a lot from MacOS, but seeing as this is the future we use, it was inevitable. my hope is that the extra time it's taken to build Vista/longhorn may mean that the things like index search and smart/virtual folders will be better integrated and more logical than the (rushed, IMO) apple counterparts.