Real Player and Windows Media Player are silent


Just got a new G5 iMac (2.1GHz, 1.5 GB, OSX 10.4.3).

Everything migrated from my old G4 with no problems, but after a week of perfect functioning, I suddenly lost the ability to hear streaming audio from Real Player or WMP.

The files download, and they "play" but no signal is fed to the mac audio channel. If I'm streaming video+audio, the video plays but there's no audio signal. All other audio apps work fine (meaning they play as usual through the mac's external speakers), but RP and WMP are silent.

I d/led and installed a fresh copy of Real Player 10 to no avail.

I assume it's a Sound Preferences problem, but none of the settings in System Preferences or RP/WMP Prefs solves it.

Anybody have a solution? (Life without the BBC and NPR is really grim)
I seem to be having the same problem. I haven't tried anything in real player yet, but windows media player just isn't functioning right. Can't connect to audio streams, and when it plays video, it won't play audio. Happened right after I subscribed to a service that requires wmp, too (Drum Corps International Season Pass). The service worked fine for about 15-20 minutes. I went to do something else (check my yahoo or rss feeds, whatever). When I got back to streaming audio and video, nothing worked.
It might seem like a simple question, but is the volume control in each application turned up?
Launch the application /Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI and change the Audio Output to 44100.0 Hz.
Well, I got streaming within the website (browser) to work when I launched garage band and then the above mentioned audio set up. I made no changes in either, but "magically" the streaming worked. (streaming by brightcove?). But wmp still wouldn't even connect to stream. Tonight, I launched the Audio Midi Setup again. Same settings were still there, but now wmp is working fine. Go figure. Maybe it was a problem with the service to which I subscribed and not with wmp. I do like to blame things on anything that carries the name windows...

I had the same problem with no audio on mpeg files or real audio streams. From another site, I found that my starting garageband, bringing up the piano keyboard (Apple/K), hitting a few keys and then exiting, the application would now play audio again. Something about garageband resetting some stuff, annoying, but it does allow me to hear audio again.