Really Funny Story II, ablack6596 Revenge!


Official *********
Heres a thread for ablack6596's story which he started on the other Funny Story thread but we had to move because 2 stories would be confusing.

Remember, put the story in brakets
[One day Herve was walking down the street heading for the Macworld Expo when all of the sudden he saw Steve Jobs in a limo with a green rabbit driving and Bill Gates in a tank sneaking up behind...]

I hope ablack doesn't mind I posted his story for him because he wasn't doing it and I can't let dan get to far ahead of me with posts lol.

If ablack doesn't show up soon I think this thread is going to die

If he doesn't post his story soon I'm going to do it for him

lol, I think the first reason first and formost, COME ON AIM DAN!

[Knowing tha Bill gates was after the formula for the DRWN-COKO542 Super Weapon, Herve stepped on the gas. "Not get me, a tree in my yard, Gates look at stop flowers" Harnessing the powers of the 4 elements, Herve summoned the mighty beast, MAKOR]
dan open aim and im me because im bored out of my mind ok?

Are you on? I'm on Adium and your not showing up your SN is Gamedog2112 right

[MAKOR roared but Gates shot a antimatter bomb at it from his tank.]
Herve should seriously post something in this thread. Meanwhile, I will translate it to french and german and italian...
ummm... I thought herve was walking...

He was, but on a treadmill powered car, when he saw Bill Gates he switched to main power to get away

Hope that answers your question.
Naaah, just french and back:

[Un jour Herve descendait le titre de rue pour le Macworld Expo quand toute la soudain il a vu les travaux de Steve dans un limo avec un lapin vert conduisant et Bill Gates dans un réservoir partant furtivement vers le haut derrière...]

[One Herve day descended the title from street for Macworld Expo when all it suddenly it saw work of Steve in a limo with a green rabbit leading and Bill Gates in a tank leaving furtively upwards behind...]
[Savoir le tha Bill Gates était après la formule pour Drwn-coko542 l'arme superbe, Herve a fait un pas sur le gaz. "ne pas m'obtenir, un arbre en ma cour, portes regardent l'arrêt fleurit" armant les puissances des 4 éléments, Herve a rassemblé la bête puissante, MAKOR]

[To know the tha Bill Gates was after the formula for Drwn-coko542 the superb weapon, Herve took a step on gas. "not to obtain to me, a tree in my court, doors look at the stop flowers" arming the powers with the 4 elements, Herve gathered the powerful animal, MAKOR]
[MAKOR a hurlé mais les portes ont tiré une bombe d'antimatter à elle de son réservoir.]

[MAKOR howled but the doors drew a bomb of antimatter to it from its tank.]
[The bomb hit and MAKOR started to fall, but Steve Jobs combined his power with the green rabit and healed MAKOR who attacked Bill Gated who just barely escaped by turning his tank into a rocket ship. Meanwhile, the green rabit was distracted and Jobs' limo drove off a cliff!!!]
hehe, dan you sure your connected I know I am and your not on right now... Try disconnecting and reconnecting.

I am and I did, do you have the right screen name? Its "divibisan"

[Hereve tried to rescue him but he was too far away. Could this be the end for Apple?!?!?!]