[xoot couldn't believe he really had psi powers so he used 5 psi to do something with a chair. "Woah, that's so cool that you can do something with a chairÐlook out!!" said Steve Jobs. While xoot was doing something with a chair, Bill gates had climbed into their car and was pointing a MS Ray XP 2.6 mind control gun at Herve and fired. The beam engulfed Hereve, but did nothing. Surprised by this, Bill Gates was destracted long enough for xoot to do something with a chair on him. xoot was just about to kill him when Michal Dell came in a helicopter and rescued him. Dell was wearing a black turtleneck and pointed a RDF emitter at the car. "Ha, ha, ha! There can only be one Jobs and I will replace you!!" Dell fired his RDF at them, but in true Dell style it was low quality and only slightly impressed them. "Whoa! That's so cool how you have psycic powers and can do something with a chair." Disappointed by his failure, Dell and gates flew away to plot their next scheme.]