Really Funny Story II, ablack6596 Revenge!

[Le coup de bombe et le MAKOR ont commencé à tomber, mais les travaux de Steve ont combiné sa puissance avec le rabit vert et ont guéri MAKOR qui a attaqué la facture à déchenchements périodiques qui juste à peine échappé en transformant son réservoir en bateau de fusée. En attendant, le rabit vert a été distrait et le limo des travaux a chassé une falaise!!!]

[The blow of bomb and the MAKOR started to fall, but work of Steve combined its power with the green rabit and cured MAKOR which attacked the periodic invoice with déchenchements which just hardly escaped by transforming its tank into boat of rocket. While waiting, the green rabit was distracted and the limo of work drove out a cliff!!!]
[It is not the end for Apple! xoot activated the limo's rockets using remote apple events and the limo propelled itself back onto the ground.]
[Where Gates was waiting for him. Bill fired his mind control ray at Steve, but Herve carried him to safety with his jetpack, but the beam hit the city turning all the people there into Microsoft zombies!]
["Argh!" yelled xoot, as Herve told him what had happened. But xoot was a master in these types of devices (mind control rays, other stuff rays, etc.), so he equipped himself, Herve and Jobs with 2 VisiGoths (machine guns that fire plasma bullets), 1 Electron Ram (a machine that can knock down walls), 1 Zap Gun, 1 Small Zap Gun (used for cutting stuff), one missile launcher, one missile control pad (to control the missile), one electronic handheld device with mac os x, and one cell phone.]
["Oh, yeah! That's what I forgot!" xoot yelled, and equipped each of them with a plasma shield.]
They went to attack bill and found microsoft zombies infesting the city. They went in with the plasma rifles and were just going to finish the last couple currently attacking them off when xoot heard. dananananana BATMAN. He stuck his hand into his backpack finding the cellphone in the clutter of destructive weapons.

"Hello?" Xoot said. Are you intrested in getting a free 12 month subscription to the new york times all you have to d---...."

He hung up just as he was knocked out by a zombie.
[Almost as soon as he finished this, Gates' zombies attacked. Herve, xoot, and Jobs started shooting, but there were too many! Just as they were about to be killed by the massing hoards, divibisan transported them to his ship. "You cannot defeat them on your own. To do so would be suicide. to defeat them you must master the power of the three sages control, alt, and deletimanious (called delete for short)"
uhh we both posted how about everyone but xoot got away and xoot has been captured we have to save him. We have to stay consistent ok?
I think this should be a book :D

["How old are you?" asked xoot.
"I am 17346," answered divibisan.
"Ahhh, so that's how you know so much," smirked xoot. xoot rummaged in his backpack to find his palm pilot. Luckily, it was there. He turned it on, and Windows XP loaded.
"Who the **** did this?!" yelled xoot.]
uhh we both posted how about everyone but xoot got away and xoot has been captured we have to save him

It is consisant, just as xoot was knocked out by the zombies divibisan saved them by transporting them to his ship

[Control lives far to the north, in Redmond, while alt lives in the south, noone has seen delete for many years.]
We need to bring Jobs in this!

["Ok, how about we go to the secret Apple HQ in Redmond, and we will start things off from there?" asked Jobs.
"Great idea," answered divibian.]
[On the way there they were attacked by Gate Zombies. By calculating the equation of a circle in standard form, divibisan was able to shoot them down and get to Apple HQ safely]
[Meanwhile, unbenoanced to anyone, xoot had been infected by a mind control virus by his laptop and was now the willing slave to Bill Gates!]
[As they entered many appleites quickly ushered them down the halls, as they were caught in the sea of bodies until they got to steves desk on it was a dell...
[Safe in his secret lair, Bill Gates watched the interior of secret apple HQ through xoot's eyes. "Your time will come too, my good friend Steve Jobs! Ahhahahahahaha!!!"]