tail-wagging member
Aah - zealousy (hey, I just made up a cool word)
Also, I believe there is without doubt a great deal of deliberate deception on behalf of Creation Scientists, justified on the grounds that there are people who wouldnt believe without deception, and they ought to be made to believe any way possible. Some (not all Im sure) Creation Scientists deliberately twist words and hide contrary evidence. Either that or theyre stupid, but Ill give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that its deliberate deception.
Anyway, nice rant, Im off for more tea.
As I understand it, Darwin was dismayed at the time that some people took him to be saying that he had disproved creation. His book "The Origin of Species", portrayed Natural Selection as a way in which new forms could arise to be better suited to changing environments. He saw Evolution as a device to cope with change, ingeniously built into species by god.Originally posted by MDLarson
I've never heard of Darwin being a Christian
Do you think that Genesis is supposed to be taken literally? After all, Jesus told parables that were stories to illustrate points, nobody believes that he was imparting a perfect replica of events that occurred (or do they nothing surprises me any more ;o)The Bible does say how God created. Quite simply, God spoke the world (and the species) into existence.
I agree another thread, but first I want to point out that as a technicality, Creation Science is not Science. Science, from the Latin to know, is the pursuit on knowledge, starting with evidence that you wish to explain. Creation Science starts with knowledge that is considered irrefutable, and searches for evidence. Hence it is reverse science, or as I prefer to call it, simply backwards.BUT! (you were waiting for this) BUT, creation scientists firmly believe they have science on their side. (you probably scoffed right now) I'm willing to debate this if you are willing, but that's another thread.
Also, I believe there is without doubt a great deal of deliberate deception on behalf of Creation Scientists, justified on the grounds that there are people who wouldnt believe without deception, and they ought to be made to believe any way possible. Some (not all Im sure) Creation Scientists deliberately twist words and hide contrary evidence. Either that or theyre stupid, but Ill give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that its deliberate deception.
The evolution of life from none, without intervention, yes. Change of species, no. God may have proclaimed his creation good, but he never said that it would always be good, and therefore would remain constant. The world changes, and species must change with it. Besides, you can see evolution happening, in evolution experiments, on a timescale of months. Unless God is intervening in each and every evolution experiment, then organisms do change.The thing I want to really push is how, taken straight-forward, the Bible is truly incompatible with evolution.
You assume a day is a human 24 hour day. That is of course a by-product showing and hiding of the sun, but the sun was supposedly not created until day 4 after the day/night dichotomy was created right at the start. errr...To further strengthen my argument, let me move back to Genesis and take a look at the word "day", as used in the text...
Yeah, the Bible scholars that thought that the Bible was evidence that the sun revolved around the earth read Hebrew too. They were so certain of themselves that they burned people alive for doubting them publicly.My goal is not to exasperate any readers, but to provide a Biblical viewpoint. No doubt there is still much doubt in many minds as to the reliability of the scripture over time, which certainly should not be without scrutiny. But there are a great many Bible scholars out there that know how to read Hebrew and still believe the Bible means what it says in my NIV. So, by faith, I believe in the translations.
Anyway, nice rant, Im off for more tea.