Repent for being a Mac user!!

I'm not sure what's scarier--the fact that this isn't satire, or the fact that someone took the time to actually do this.
We can't be judging this man. His judgement will be in the end, however we are called to show our brothers their error. And he has erred.

Excommunicating Windows... Arm up, soliders!

Originally posted by Koelling
I agree banjo boy, this site is about as hypocritical as you can get. The first half is about propaganda and what is he doing? He's spreading lies and stretching truths on a mass media level.

Replacement sig: I'm a christian and use a macintosh. Who am I as a mortal to judge spirituality of my fellow man. If someone has questions I let them ask, otherwise let my personal walk with Christ be just that: personal.

We should all focus on excommunicating the real evil, Windows ;-P
Must say I didn't read the article, but I guess I've noticed what it's like, what it's about and so on. Not to interrupt the religious discussion here, which I think is very interesting (I'm raised a Catholic, but am a religion-less believer in nature & UNIX), but I've got a link that might be even more interesting to those who haven't read it before.

The link is to Neal Stephenson's page about 'Cryptonomicon', where he gave us his text: 'In the beginning was the command line'. There you can download a .zip-file of the whole text (or you can buy the book as a paperback).

It's a really interesting read comparing several operating systems and the development of the GUI at all.
This must be the funniest thing i've ever read.

This is taken right out of the 4 kids section!

Mr. Gruff says: 'Bah! I don't believe in anything! I'm staying home on Sunday!'
Atheists such as crotchety old Mr. Gruff think they've got it all figured out... ...but then why are they always so sad? If you find an atheist in your neighborhood,

You may be moved to try and witness to these poor lost souls yourself, however
Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.

Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.
OK, sorry, but today apparently is a laughing day for me!

Oh, I had to burst out laughing when I saw CARS today:

Jobs, Satan, Vehemently Deny Any Connection.

Responding to accusations by Dr. Richard Paley of a strong link between Apple and the forces of darkness, both Apple CEO Steve Jobs and Satan, often referred to as the Prince of Darkness, steadfastly denied the charge.

"There is no relationship," Jobs said this morning. "Contrary to what Dr. Paley claims, Apple does not support Godlessness or Communism. As an equal opportunity employer, we support the freedom of religion that is protected in the U.S. Constitution, and we support the democratic process that makes this nation great."

Jobs did allow that one charge of Paley's was true. "As for supporting Darwinism, well, I guess we 'support' Darwinism. We also 'support' gravity, a Sun-centered solar system and the laws of thermodynamics."

For his part, Satan confirmed Jobs' claim that there is no relationship.

"Apple Computer?" the Prince of Darkness asked. "I do frequently make deals with individuals but not with entire organizations. Maybe someone's not really clear on how this whole thing works."

Satan went on to explain that, even if he were able to contract with organizations, he would have very little interest in a relationship with Apple. "When your primary job is damning souls to eternal toil, you don't generally have much need for labor-saving devices like computers, you know what I mean?"

Asked if he vehemently denied Dr. Paley's charge, Satan said "Hey, I do everything vehemently, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Now, get of my office before I turn you inside out."

"We also 'support' gravity, a Sun-centered solar system and the laws of thermodynamics." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's even more priceless! :D ;) :p :D ;) :p
That's not satire? Oh dear. That's sad, or scary, or anyway something double-plus ungood.

But, but, but - if you look at the mall mission page, the picture of 'mall security making a missionary leave a mall' shows about ten cops in full riot gear. And, and, somewhere one of their pages says dinosaurs still walk the Earth and swim in the oceans. I mean, maybe it's a hoax on all of us, including their web hosting service.

Given their views on open source and daemons and all, perhaps someone should tell them their website is running on Linux...
Just don't forget that no one person can speak for an entire group. Just like not all Muslims are terrorists, not all Christians think this way or that, not all Mac users think this way or that, not all Windows users think. =)

Good point, and true. If everyone acted like this, we would accept it as the norm. Hmmm... maybe that's why Windows users are so dumb most of the time? They accept this sort of illogical evangelism as the truth, since they have no other proof...? Sounds a bit familiar to the Windows arguments...
for an anti-mac site this site sucks :P
it doesnt load on the w2k box I am currently using at work :p
I suppose that its not the "target audience" lol
Nope. It won't load on ANY computer, because computers are Satan's tools. It will load only if you have Faith (version 7.0) and Utter Devotion to Hopelessly Outdated Ideas Left Over From the Middle Ages (101). If you don't have both of them, you're out of luck. And no place for you in heaven, either, so don't ask. *Slams the Pearly Gates in your face*
I was able to load the page and read the article. I'm a Christian, and while I agree with some of what he says, he certainly likes to pick out circumstantial evidence and seems to judge a lot more than he should.

As far as "Darwin" goes, he has a point, in that Darwin (the open source project) is equated with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Christianity is at odds with evolutionism. Evolution does conflict with the Bible's Creation.

I do not understand how he can possibly equate Apple with communism, as Apple is clearly, very much entrenched in capitalism. Open source? Would communists use open source or Windows? I would say Windows! :D

Anyway, like I said. Circumstantial evidence and dripping judement. That's not what Christianity is all about. It's a real relationship with a real God.
Dr. Paley:

I am a Mac user and a Christian. I don't believe in evolution, nor do I "believe" in Apple– but I am an Apple fan. I read your article to the full, and while you have me convinced that Apple is certainly not a Christian company, I find some of your comments hard to stomach…

For instance, how can you equate Apple with communism? Would you be able to trade Apple stock if it were truly a communist company? Apple is first and foremost out to make a profit, not spread communism!

Apple was indeed a company with a unique foundation. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak certainly were part of the hippie movement, and the Flower Power iMac was interesting in its tribute to the 60's. But "Hypnotically encased iMacs trick unsuspecting computer users into accepting Darwinism"?!?! Absurd.

I am an ardent Mac user partly because it's NOT Microsoft, but mostly because they make such a great product. However, if Apple happens to donate to anti-Christian causes or emblazon iMacs with Darwin fish, I might reconsider my buying habits.

I will not argue that Apple could be considered a company that thinks different in more ways than one, but you, Dr. Paley, should recognize that good, Christian things can come out of a Macintosh. For instance, every Sunday at church I run the PowerPoint slides on my Apple PowerBook. And the popular Christian music band, Jars of Clay, produce their music on Macs (

Please, Dr. Paley, tell me; would you suggest all "good Christians" to buy Windows based PCs and therefore contribute to Microsoft, a company with monopolistic tendencies? Why don't you base your next "objective" article on how Microsoft supports the undead? (,,3_871631,00.html)

Sincerely unconvinced,

Matt Larson

I tried emailing this message twice, but it has not gone through. I have since posted the message on the guest book, and have fixed the second link on this message.
3 things:

1. here is another good one, that was already mentioned in this thread

2. apple was panned in the tech press a few years ago for demanding that the church of satan remove any links to apple computer. note that the church of satan is not a group of devil worshipers.

3. i can t think of anything more communist than Open Source software. the preacher was not saying that apple is communist, but that open source software and Darwin is open source. now apples open source license is one of the least "copyleft" licenses out there, so it is not too communist.

however i think that the microsoft guy was right on when he said that the GPL is communist. GPL software means software for the good of the community, whereas commercial software for the good of the author (to make money). so you see how obvious it is that open source software is communist and commercial software is capitalist. and darwin is certainly open source.

now, it may be true that politically speaking, communism anti-american. i have always thought that communism sounds really good in theory, and i support open source software, and i support laws that are in favor of helping the most people, instead of being controlled by rich lobbies.

and of course, windows is the ultimate capitalist operating system.

so i agree with that weirdo on that point.
Originally posted by MDLarson
I was able to load the page and read the article. I'm a Christian, and while I agree with some of what he says, he certainly likes to pick out circumstantial evidence and seems to judge a lot more than he should.

As far as "Darwin" goes, he has a point, in that Darwin (the open source project) is equated with Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Christianity is at odds with evolutionism. Evolution does conflict with the Bible's Creation.

I do not understand how he can possibly equate Apple with communism, as Apple is clearly, very much entrenched in capitalism. Open source? Would communists use open source or Windows? I would say Windows! :D

Anyway, like I said. Circumstantial evidence and dripping judement. That's not what Christianity is all about. It's a real relationship with a real God.

no it does not. ask the pope. The pope, the only person that has the right to speack in the name of all christians has accepted evolution as a reality and that it does not contradict the bible. furthermore you should know that you can read the bible and believe it and still live a normally accepted social life today, the bible is a cumulation of stories that reflect certain historical and creative narations written a very long time ago, some of them not even written untill much later afterr the author died, therefore subject to twisting and change from it's original stories. anyone that takes the bible literally is naive. not even the pope does. i am a christian but i do not practice it. Furthermore in the defense of "normal" christians most of them are really adaptable o changes, almost more then any other religios followers out there. the reason christianity has survided fo so long and is one of the biggest, if not the biggest followed religion out there is because of it's adaptability, (which has something to do with darwinism, but let's not piss off the author of this article anymore)

anyway, in my honest opinon religion's days are over in the high standard of living coutries. it is known that religion is created when a group of people suffer together a certain hardship , etc. (check out the birth of any religion and you will see) as human standard of living increases, religion decreases, at least practices of religion. i'm mostly pissed off at any form of religion because more often than not it has caused separation between people and war. Christianity and muslims the biggest religions could also be looked at as having the most violent and criminal followers.

that;s my rant about religion for now, maybe i'l think of something later.
Actually the pope only has "power" over teh catholics ;) The anglican church's head is the King of England, Greek orthodox, russian orthodox too have their own church leaders. I am not sure what leadership body reigns over episcopilians, baptists and whatnots.
Originally posted by vic
no it does not. ask the pope.
Yes it does, and think (and read) for yourself. The pope cannot override the Bible, and certainly does not dictate to protestant Christians. Very simply and quickly, to defend my 1 statement, let me show how Genesis truly conflicts with evolution…

Evolution is a process of struggle and death when it comes down to it, that is beyond dispute. Before the original sin of Adam & Eve, God proclaimed all of Creation "very good". After the sin was committed, God cursed all mankind as punishment and one of the curses was death. The key point here is that before this curse of death, humans were designed to live forever.

If you follow the written text, your only logical conclusion is to discount the validity of the Bible, as you did. Now you can comfortably live with evolution and still (somehow?) consider yourself a Christian.

I'm sorry for diverting this thread somewhat, but I have to defend myself! :(