reply button not working on email


Hi there
Yesterday I backed up the library on my mac (running 10.4.11) and then discovered that the reply button does not work on the email, also the reply all and send button (forward button works, but then cant send). I read a thread on your site in 2005 and tried to follow the instructions, deleting the ps files relating to email and retyping in the server and password information but no good. In fact I was unclear exactly what the guy did to solve it. I should say that I can create a new account on the mac and the email works fine, so it might be some problem with the mail boxes but that is a guess. Any advice..simple instructions please as not that techy.
Yep. Follow these steps:

1. Open Mail then open Mail's Preferences and write down all the server settings for you email servers.

2. Go to the folder /Users/YourUserName/Library/Preferences/ and delete the file

3. Restart Mail and put your server settings back in.

Hopefully this will help, good luck.