Resetting OS X colors to "Factory default"


Hi Guys,
I have a user account on an OS X 10.4.8 workstation with veird colours.
It's not hardware or applicationrelated since i can switch to a different user account and everything is OK.
I have tried removing colorsync preferences from the user library but without success.
How do I reset colorsettings on the account to "Factory defaults"?
What do mean by "wired colors"? Are the colors inverted? If the inverted go to System Preferences->Universal and in Universal click on the "Seeing" tab. In "seeing" make sure "Display" is set to "Black on White".
vierd=wrong colors. it's not inverted or black/white.
It's like some calibration is applied that sets it all too bright and even when you calibrate the screen its off compared to other user accounts on the computer.
Can you see what monitor profile is set per default (i.e. a new user created or one where the colour profile is okay) and select that for the affected user?