Resetting PMU on TiBook (DVI)


What is the correct procedure for resetting the PMU in a TiBook? I've read that the battery should be drained prior to resetting the PMU. Although I've read Apple's Article ID: 14449 and it doesn't mention anything about the battery. Also, Apple says to "press and release" the reset button, but I've read that it should be depressed for a couple of seconds. Which is right?

(15" Powerbook G4 (DVI), 1GHz, 1GB Ram, OS 10.3.2)
I would follow the instructions to a tee on Apple's KB article. When you do press the switch, I would press it firmly (not with crushing force) and hold it down for no more than 1 second (press the button, immediately say "one," then count to "two," then release). Keeping it held down or pressing it multiple times can screw up the PMU. If Apple's KB article doesn't list anything about the battery, then I would assume that the battery doesn't have much importance in this case -- keep the battery in the machine, I would suggest.
I was on the phone with Apple earlier today, where the tech walked me through PMU reset on my TiBook (DVI):

shut down
leave power cord in
leave battery in
ground myself
press button for 1 second
you're done