resolving an alias


I need to recall an item that is buried in my backups: as i changed drives/OS's I carried along the alias but (unknowingly) not the original.

when I double-click the alias the report i get from the finder is "the volume for <filename> can not be found"

is there any way to find out where an (orphaned) alias is looking to find its original?

command-i in Finder or Path Finder won't do it.

suggestions? seems like there oughta be a unix or script command or something ...

CMD-i on the alias should show the 'original' path, but that no longer exists, does it? can you find the file using CMD-F and typing name of file? maybe you no longer have the original file at all.
thanks for replying, DeltaMac.

indeed the file is no longer here (I looked everywhere ...) but i suspect it is present in one of my backups. i will go and look for it, whether i figure this out or not, but here is the rub:

CMD-I does not show the original path in this case, now that the original is gone. This behavior is not unique, to this file, if I create a new alias, then delete the original, CMD-I still gives no info about where the original was. If CMD-I did show me that path, I would know exactly where/which backup to look at for the file I'm after.

So my question is something a general one too (plus I need that file!):

Is there a way to see how the alias is trying to resolve, once the original is gone? Where is the alias looking?

thanks -