Rip those DVDs

Originally posted by kilowatt
So why is breaking encryption on media you own illegal?

It's called the DMCA -- Digital Millennium Copyright Act. And it does say specifically that you are not allowed to decrypt things that you bought so that you can copy them to other formats, EVEN IF THAT IS "FAIR USE."

It's totally absurd. But it's now the law of the land.

If a DVD was not encrypted or otherwise protected, it would be legal to rip it to an MPEG to use for your own purposes. But if it is encrypted, and the manufacturer's right to control how you use the product legally trumps YOUR "fair use" rights. It is unbelievably crappy, but that is how it is now.

If you buy one of those "copy protected" CDs that are coming out now, there is no way to legally listen to an MP3 of the music -- since you have to bypass the manufacturer's protection to make an MP3. Insane. Totally consumer-hostile.

For even more fun, there's a new law called the SSSCA (I think). If/when it is passed, it will mandate content control mechanisms be built into all digital storage or computing devices. In other words, the computer of the future literally will restrict our "fair use" rights in new and terrible ways... and it will be illegal to sell or import computing machinery or software without these controls.

(so what does that mean for free operating systems? It probably means they will become illegal... the FreeBSD and Linux guys probably won't be able to include the legally-mandated content controls in their projects, because those controls will probably be designed and sold by the computer industry, and the price will be outta sight.)

Considering that the DMCA passed unanimously, I expect the SSSCA will sait through the legislature as well. Dark times are ahead. This is just the beginning. Hang on to your non copy-protected hard drives and motherboards!

hey joycrow, VirtualPC, Smartripper and VirtualDub are a bless when it comes to bring audio and video back in sync! It's easier than any mac video editing software!

BTW: you can create an image of a DVD with extractor and then just mount it as a floppy drive in VPC. Smartripper will see it as a DVD and you can rip it. Of course it is slower than on a native PC.
sure you can watch M2V files on the mac...DVD Studio Pro does the trick in an excellent performance!
1) I do not have DVD studio pro (and the price tag is...well ouch!) I did borrow the CD from a freind though to see if it were something I could play with and it told me it wont install on a G3...Fudge ! :mad:

2) As for teh DMCA.... people will do what I have done. I have modded my DVD's firmware to be able to read non region 1 DVDs. Bought em fairly ans squarely and I can do what I bloody want with them

Didnt see the date right away. Sorry about that.

Actually Im hoping someone can help me rip VCDs on CDs to put on a DVD.
the DMCA only applies to USA -- so if you're in other parts of the world this may well be perfectly legal.

There are 2 ways to rip a DVD, shrink it (ie. backing up a commercial DVD to a DVD-R, with all menus, extras etc in tact), or rip video files (eg to (MP4, AVI, H.264 etc)

1) shrinking it
- Use MacTheRipper to copy the video files to a hard disk (use full disk extraction)
- Use DVD2One to shrink it to DVD-R size (not free, but worth the money. gives you are trial period too)

2) ripping video files
- Use Handbrake