Rumor: Apple will abandon G3 nd G4 users as of 10.4


Apple will abandon G3 and G4 users, on the release of OS X version 10.4

10.3.x will be the last series of upgrades to support these overworked and outdated chips so, buy a G5 ASAP before your machine becomes a titanium doorstop.

Steve Jobs was actually eaten 5 months ago by his pet Panther, Jaguar, and Cheetah at his ranch home in Modesto, California. The Apple Board, petrified of the reaction from Wall Street and morale inside the company, have been using a clever combination of look-alikes, pre-recorded messages, and Jobs lookalikes to continue the illusion that he is still alive.

I'm betting that both of these rumors have about as much merit =)
Why would our old machines become a, in my case, Sage doorstop? They still work OK, just they don't have the latest-and-greatest system. I can live with that (probably because my good ol' iMac will be 4 by then, and I'll be thinking about a laptop by then...).
Apple would never... :(
ANd I just got a fricken PowerBook... if they do.... GRR... then i'll have to lear myself some linux.
Eventually the G3 will be history, but I think that's still a very long way off. Apple would be crucified if it did something like that right now. It would totally destroy a market for it for schools, switchers, older non-tech savvy folks and students.
My ole (now it's a back-up) clamshell graphite can still do what I want with it on 10.2.6.
Apple will rename the product line along with the update of OS 10.4. The "Power Mac G5" will be renamed the "Granny Smith Gee Whiz"
I still use a Pentium for Windoze stuff, it wont run XP but ticks away on 95 fine. ;)
Chips will get outdated but the software only moves along to take advantage of the newer chips. The G5 will breed a new type of software that wont run on G3 or G4's, it is called progress.
If the rumour cant be backed dont worry about it, if it is spend 5 minutes deep in thought and then dont worry.
Does anyone know why the OSX releases have cat names? Did they use Cheetah (because they're fast) and then just get stuck?

Makes me wonder how long they can keep it going. There are a lot of cat species out there.

Jaguar, Panther... then what? Puma? Leopard? Lynx? Serval? Tiger? Lion? Cougar?
Puma was 10.0.

Apple supports hardware up to and sometimes longer than 7 years from the manufacture date.

My G4/400 PCI machine will be officially supported until 2006. That doesn't mean that all new software will run on it, like FCP 4, but any and all OSs released up until then will run on it.

This guy's trolling or something -- he has no link to back himself up -- just pulling stuff out of the air and posting it to get people riled up.
Steve Jobs lived in Modesto? Where? Why didn't I know about this? :)

Apple is not going to drop support for the G3's and G4's, but we may start seeing software that does. Remember the whole 68K-PPC era? Originally, programmers had to program their apps for 68K code. Then the PPC came along, and they started making FAT code, until almost everyone had PPC-based computers. Now they will be coding 64 bit software along with 32 bit until almost everyone is using a G5+.

For the record, 10.1 was dubbed Cheetah. I think the giant cat designations imply speed, power, and aggressiveness while something like Longhorn implies speed but from cowardness.
Cheetah was 10.0.
Puma was 10.1
Jaguar 10.2
Panther 10.3.

(Yes, I'm nitpicking.)

I'm pretty sure that Apple won't make a 64bit processor the only supported processor before the last G4/G3 sold by Apple is at least two or three years old. Take a look at the age of the newest unsupported machine by 10.3: The beige G3s. When were they last sold by Apple? (Checking Ah, yes: January 1999. That's almost five years when Panther arrives. And with the G4 processor going strong (the iBooks are even believed to still inherit the PowerBook's G4 processors when the PowerBooks get higher end G4s or G5s) in PowerBooks, iMacs and eMacs, we can - quite safely - assume that our G3s and G4s will still work with OS updates that come out in 2007 or even 2008. Okay, they might be obsolete machines by then, anyway, but hey! You asked...

I think Apple has a good 'window' open for 'currently supported hardware'. I don't want to buy a new computer every year (well, okay, I want to, but I can't...), but I also think that for beige G3 owners it's either time to get a new computer or, well, stay at either Jaguar (which runs fine for such old hardware) or Mac OS 9.2.2, which is quite a fast OS on those machines. If you want to prevent those machines from being doorstops and have NO idea how to live without the newest updates, install a version of Linux and make the thing a file-/mail-/proxyserver.
Originally posted by zuppasch
Apple will abandon G3 and G4 users, on the release of OS X version 10.4

10.3.x will be the last series of upgrades to support these overworked and outdated chips so, buy a G5 ASAP before your machine becomes a titanium doorstop.

I think someone should replace the word "Rumor" with FUD in this post.

Why would anyone post this? What were they basing this on?

Remember, friends don't let friends drink and post.


As fryke has pointed out, there is nothing in Apple's history that even suggest that they are going to drop support for the G3 and G4 processors anytime soon.
Originally posted by arden
Steve Jobs lived in Modesto? Where? Why didn't I know about this? :)

I'm pretty sure I had just responded to one of your messages when I posted this, and I'm pretty sure your profile was what made "Modesto" pop into my head when I was making all that up.

So feel special =)