Rumour: Updated Airports, Two-Button Mouse!

I've been using the MacMouse, works pretty well. No problems. Don't care about the Campbell story. His products are OK.
Oh! You're the first person I hear talking of actually _using_ the mouse. For the better part of three years it was "available soon", I think. Does it really match the Mac's look? Did you get the white or aluminum-looking one? Does it feel 'Apple enough'? The BT one sounds interesting to me...
i have the MacMice iFlex for my iSight, great stand for it (better than the clip's that apple packages). I would buy from them again.
I bought a MacMice The Mouse BT (White) for my 15" PowerBook. It was horrendous for me, all jumpy and disgusting, but when I took it back to the reseller (MAC1 Wollongong, Australia), it worked fine on their 15" PowerBook (the MacMice website claims that some PowerBook Bluetooth modules aren't up to scratch). I had no real problem with the mouse, and it looked great; nice build quality, but I just never ended up using it since apparently I have a faulty BT module (which works fine for every other use)
I had a MacMice mouse for about a week (decided I needed more buttons to use with Expose and exchanged it for a Kensington trackball, which I Iater sold second hand a few months later, because it was just too bulky :rolleyes:).

The MacMice mouse itself was pretty good - the red glow from under the mouse was absolutely beautiful in a semi-lit room (almost worth the price of purchase for that alone). The buttons and scrollwheel worked acceptibly, but were a little stiff.

My search for the perfect pointing device continues... ;)

I never meant to imply that the quality of Jack Campbell's products are shoddy -- in fact, they're probably just the opposite: reason being is that Jack Campbell/MacMice doesn't actually have any products of their own. They're all rip-offs or rebranded equipment manufactured by other companies.

Bear in mind this is the same man who recently offered $25,000 to the first person to write a true virus for OS X. He later retracted the offer, in light of legal issues (he's a moron for not having the common sense to realize that offering money to someone to write a virus is illegal in some step of the process).

I would highly recommend against giving money to this man: he makes his money by ripping people off and has questionable ethics. All of the products he offers can be found elsewhere for less money, because, as stated above, all of his products are re-brands of other products.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
I would highly recommend against giving money to this man: he makes his money by ripping people off and has questionable ethics. All of the products he offers can be found elsewhere for less money, because, as stated above, all of his products are re-brands of other products.
What about the SightFlex?

Heh... it's a firewire cable encased in one of those small, aluminum/steel bendable hoses like you would find on older toilets. Cost to him: about $5. Cost to you: $20. I'm not saying that other companies don't do the same thing, but I would be more inclined to purchase something from someone else knowing what I do about him.

It may not be a blatant rip-off of another product, but it's most definitely not an original idea:

Edit: Here's a report of the SightFlex actually being of sub-par quality:

Edit Part Deux: A long read, but covers the gory details of the Jack Campbell saga. I'm tellin' ya, something smells funny with this guy.

... I guess we should move a portion of this thread to a new one, maybe? It's become more "Jack Campbell: The Good Son Story". To keep it on-topic, I would love for Apple to develop a two-button "pro" scroll mouse, maybe in aluminum or black, aimed toward professionals -- those that would also buy a G5 and Cinema Display along with Adobe's new Creative Suite. Do I think they're toying or have toyed with the idea? Definitely. Do I think they'll do it? I dunno...
Wow... This thread has reached 31 posts (3 screens) quite quickly.

I'd say that this is one of those eternal Apple topics that always is guaranteed to generate a lot of opinions... Sort of like the Cloning topice.

Today I'll be an optimist. I think this is the year that Jobs Gets Over Himself. I mean, we got started with the Mac Mini...Why not a multibutton mouse too?

...Just...give up...the 1980s... =)