Safari 1.2 in software update.

not here, I've got 200 kB/s which is normal with my provider.
Hehe, just when I thought it was time to sleep as well.

Can't wait to see Safari's improvements (it's been the only app that crashes occasionally for me in Panther). Wonder if there's any CSS3 additions.
yeah, feels much faster now. I just didn't find it funny that safari was closed all of the sudden without asking me. This happened while I was updating. I know, it was kinda obvious, but still...
Under Mac OS X server, in addition to Safari 1.2 and Java 1.4.2, are other updates... can't remember them all, but one was a JBoss update.
Zammy-Sam, i have the exact same powerbook as you except for the ram. I have 512, do you see better performance with an extra 256?
The download manager is now better (stop and then resume downloads... remove individual downloads from the list rather than the whole list)... anything else (apart from the speed increase)?
uoba said:
The download manager is now better (stop and then resume downloads... remove individual downloads from the list rather than the whole list)... anything else (apart from the speed increase)?

I really like the smallest font size feature. it allows you to set the smallest font that safari will display on any website.
I can now tab through all links in a page, but I still cannot tab to form elements like checkboxes and drop-downs. Does anyone else have this behaviour?
Yep, form elements not tabbable. (Btw.: I like it that I can turn the tab-to-link feature OFF, as I basically hate it, anyway.) ;-) And oh yeah: Back to OmniWeb, too. ;-)
MBHockey said:
Zammy-Sam, i have the exact same powerbook as you except for the ram. I have 512, do you see better performance with an extra 256?
To be honest: I can't really tell. I bought the tibook with 768mb of ram from the beginning on. My brother has an alubook 12 inch which has just 256mb of ram. Comparing these, the tibook is much faster. But this could be due to the faster cpu, graphic.. I really don't know for sure. But more ram would never harm you (beside your wallet) ;)
cjohnson78 said:
I can now tab through all links in a page, but I still cannot tab to form elements like checkboxes and drop-downs. Does anyone else have this behaviour?

I can tab to buttons and drop-down menus now, but it still sucks. You have to hit the down arrow to get the menu to appear, then hit Enter for your choice to take effect. Doesn't really save much time over using the mouse. Hate to say it, but IE still does it much better. Seems Apple is still good at making things look nice but can't get the basics to work (that goes for their hardware too).
SCROLLING IS AWESOME! I was working on a website project of mine and was scrolling a lot this weekend and I was like... this is soooo slow! But this is just speedy, reminds me of Windows IE.
Shucks, now I will have to update RAM in our server to take away what little lag we do have. :)