Safari 4.0 beta

Works really well for me on my G4. Only little thing I've found so far, when browsing Bookmarks Bar folders in CoverFlow, previews do not automatically appear-- only after I visit a link do they show up.

And can anyone here tell me what checking Auto-Click in Bookmarks Bar is supposed to accomplish? The Help Menu found No Results. :confused:

I am grateful for pointum's Secret Safari Tweaks Menu; though it doesn't work perfectly well on the fly, it is worth checking out. Fun to make Google transparent, haven't found that feature to work on any other sites yet.
Autoclick has been there in past versions as well. It makes a folder open as tabs automatically.
My issues following installation of Safari 4b are in Mail.
My gMail password is not sticky, I have to reenter it each time I open the application.
So far, there is not problem quiting the application.
However, if I go into preferences, the password is blank.
When I enter and save it, Mail will not quit (I have to force quit).
Hey, Safari 4 just disappeared from my Top Sites. It used to be in second place, behind Google News. Resetting Top Sites doesn't bring it back, no matter how many other sites I delete. How could this have happened? :confused: I never deleted the Times myself. :(

Hmm, I see you can drag sites back in the edit mode. :o Whew!
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I really like it's top sites thing for the new tab. Unfortunately it still can't view some sites that Firefox can.
I'm not sure I like the tabs at the top.

The tabs are the top are a preference which you can change.

Safari 4 Beta is pretty good, I haven't personally had any problems with it. The rendering is far faster than any other browser I've used.
Crap, nytimes disappeared again, and I had it pinned. :(

What an odd bug, guess I'll have to report it.

Anybody else lose a pinned site?
Just installed this now I am on 10.5.6 - looked great but consumed 70-90% cpu so I uninstalled it. Anyone else have the same issue? It was odd, it ran slow as treacle unless it actually managed to load a page, which then appeared stunningly fast.
Sounds strange. Running fine on all of my machines as the default browser. The only real problem I'm having is that only the English language localisation is present. Else it runs roughly as stable as Safari 3 on the same machines, but much quicker.
I've actually been having a similar problem with Safari 3. I'm not sure when it cropped up, and I can't explain it. I removed all third-party add-ons, but it still happens sometimes. I haven't gone to great lengths to diagnose it since I use Camino mostly these days.
I'll try again when I have more time, perhaps it was doing some sort of setup/indexing or something. It was taking 5-10 seconds from pressing apple-T to a tab appearing, then ages to find a server, then the actual loading suddenly went quickly. Perhaps over the weekend I'll install then leave it for an hour or so to see if it calms down.

That said the revert to 3 went fine so probably not the same issue you are having Mikuro.
That said the revert to 3 went fine so probably not the same issue you are having Mikuro.

Probably not. FWIW, I just found the cause of my problem (sort of): for some reason, Safari can't get updates from Google for it's "Warn when visiting a fraudulent site" feature, and it causes indefinite high CPU usage when it tries and fails. I had a notice under the option saying "The Google safe browsing service is unavailable. No updates have occurred in 64 days." Turning off the option fixes the problem.

I still have no idea WHY it can't connect to Google's safe browsing service, but I know I'm not alone. I just stumbled upon the solution while browsing Apple's discussion boards and saw some other people with the same issue.

It's nice to have it fixed. I use Camino these days, but every now and then I do want to use a WebKit-based browser.
IMHO, some of the new features (tabs position, favourites screen) seem like additions for the sake of it. Safari 3 is pretty fast (even for someone like me with max 1GB broadband speed). OK I am being totally subjective, but Safari 4 looks clumsy and not necessarily an advancement on Version 3. It took me ten minutes to work out how to refresh the page (moan etc.). Bah humbug.