Safari acting weird...


Ok, it's probably not much, but safari's being weird, for example, an hour ago, on the downloads window, the "Quit/Don't Quit" diaglog box kept appearing and closing, etc.

And for about 2 weeks random sites have been dissappearing off the history. For example, when I typed, nothing came up in terms of history. Not even when I typed Macos.

And also, now that I've visited Macosx again (and therefore updated the history) it keeps predicting the link I'm typing as this very URL (posting a thread, so whenever I type, this page comes up.

Any idea?
I have not been able to come up with a way to make historical urls work reliably in Safari. I have various collections of bookmarks set up into folders on my bookmark bar that work very nicely for my purposes. Not everyone likes tabs, but work well for me.
Try deleting everything except bookmarks from your user/Library/Sarari folder, that sometimes helps (your history is then rebuilt from nothing)
Or try and reset Safari from the Safari menu. It empties the cache and history, and also deletes all your cookies (so if you have sites that rely on cookies for logins or whatnot, be wary!). After that, quit Safari and delete the file from ~/Library/Preferences.

This will basically "reset" Safari to pretty much default settings, but won't touch your bookmarks. It may help, as a preference somewhere may have gotten corrupted, and may have been what's causing all the problems.