Safari Features - Password storing, status bar, all included

Originally posted by ianfinity
I didn't see the "it's going to open a new window" feature in the status bar, must keep my eyes open for that. Quite surprised that there is a pop-up blocker in a beta, especially given some of the other features that people are "missing".

Interesting keyboard navigation. In ie when one opens a new window with a cmd-click, the original widow is 'behind' it and can be gotten to with a cmd-shift-tilde. On Safari, when you cmd-click a link, the new window appears in front of you, but the original window is accessed with a cmd-tilde, making it sort of ahead of the new window. Just an interesting change of browser habits.

One small thing that I am fighting with is the ability to type a new address in the browser bar and cmd-return to open a new window. I have not been able to determine if there is a new key combination for this, or if it just isn't in the beta.

All in all, a very natural transition. Also very impressed that it automatically imported ie bookmarks. heh, heh - saves me some trouble - I wonder if they will autoupdate if I cheat back to ie at all?

To open in a new window behind the current one - command-shift-click.

Here's the status bar with the command-shift held down (here's hoping attachments upload OK in safari...)


theed - you still around? any chance you are still using 10.2.2? i just remembered that the developer i spoke with told me that there are some issues with safari in 10.2.2. he recommended that everyone upgrade to 10.2.3 before expecting the best results out of it.
Originally posted by edX
yea, i wonder why everybody's sites wouldn't all come with safari? :rolleyes:
hey all mine were there. They all got carried over from IE :D :D :D

and now my scroll is finally working again

another thing i noticed is that it gives you the option to open quicktime Movies in QT!!!

(this doesn't go anyware just to prove point)
wonder if it opens MP3's with iTunes...
YEAH!!!!!(not real link jsut to prove point) :eek:
Originally posted by edX
theed - you still around? any chance you are still using 10.2.2? i just remembered that the developer i spoke with told me that there are some issues with safari in 10.2.2. he recommended that everyone upgrade to 10.2.3 before expecting the best results out of it.

Maybe it's the same reason iCal was sped up when I updated to 10.2.3. Before that OS update, iCal ran as fast as a sloth through molasses.... tied to many bricks.
Safari for the most part is faster than anything else and YES including the latest Chimera (aka Navigator)!

While many times it is NOT THAT faster than Chimera but at least it is MANY times better in stability areas than Chimera...

As for Flash stuff with Safari Marvel dot.comics worked just fine while with all the other browsers I had problems and YES even on the Dark Side of the force... Just for checking things out organise a Safari @ :D

As for Hotmail problems maybe it is M$ fault for using M$javaScript and not THAT JavaScript :D

Also, for the interface NOT giving us the ability to mess the icons left/right/etc. it seems to me that they had in mind the iApps where CLEARLY us the users cannot arrange the icons however we like/please/want to... Still, report to Apple what you want and hopefully they will listen!

As for TABS I want them as well as most of the people around here and I think that Mozilla/Chimera showed us that a speedy browser can exist while using MANY features at the same time! I think that Apple can overcome any possible feature/speed balance problem they may have while building Safari 1.0 easily...

Come on guys! Isn't amazing what they managed with a beta app? It is SO:
that is scary for the 1st beta version of a beta browser...

For me the online life from now and on will always be an on-going Safari :) :p :D :p :) ;)
uhm yea, me too wants to see before where i'm going to click ... and i don't want to log in every time i go to some sites ... that is when i can log in.. :rolleyes:
Hotmail problems are solved, hulkaros. You just have to set cookies to 'always'. Certainly, you might not want that, but it's how you can solve the troubles in Safari. (Apparently, Hotmail stores cookies from several servers.)

Storing passwords works just like in most other browsers, so I don't see what people mean there...

And pages just look better with Safari than with Chimera or any kind of mozilla build.
i mean that i have setted to remain logged in to some sites, instead i need to log in every time i go to those sites.

i had the problem with hotmail also in windows and IE - i didnt allow some of the ad. or ad.doubleclick style servers to offer me cookies so i could not log in :) i haven't tried, enough to check the spams every few weeks.. ;)
Originally posted by fryke
And pages just look better with Safari than with Chimera or any kind of mozilla build.

I don't think so. I think Safari Sucksfari, and here's why:

1. Not as fast on my machine as latest build of Chimera. Also not as "snappy" when loading pages.

2. Autocomplete has some sites in there I haven't even visited or have no reason to visit. My prime example: 1800FLOWERS. I don't like starting to type and seeing a list of URLs I haven't visited. (The idea behind this is why M$ when to court. Looks like Apple is free to shove things I don't want down my throat as much as they want. This in itself will keep me away from Safari).

3. Brushed metal. Sure you can hack it, but I shouldn't have to. I use OS X for Aqua, not someone else's idea of a "cool skin".

4. Still in beta. I've already been test driving Chimera, I'm not in the mood to relearn another frickin' browser. Now we have how many to choose from? Maybe Microsoft had the right idea after all by just incorporating it into the OS.
Giaguara i stayed loged in a Does that count?

MacLuv 1800Flowers comes up because browsers come with bookmarks built in. Go into the bookmarks area and get rid of the default ones.

On the note of "learning" another browser - there has been pretty much no learning curve for me, coming from ie.

two things i have had to get used to:
- cmd-click opens new window as expected, but to get to orginal window, one uses cmd-tilde, whereas in ie one would use cmd-shift-tilde.
so windows are ordered slightly opposite to ie.

- used to use cmd-L, type url, then cmd-enter to open new window (good for posts that mention other sites without an href). this does not work in Safari, one must open a new window, then type url. not much of a hassle, just a little re-training. if anyone knows of a way to do this that i should be learning, would appreciate the advice.

one thing that i would like to learn that i haven't been able to come up with:
hot-key combination to get into the google window in the toolbar - i would be very, very happy to find out that there is one

on that note, I was forced to use a pc (windows 2000 pro) for two years and the google toolbar is the single biggest thing i miss from browsing in ie on windows. one other nice feature of that bar was a button that would take you up through the hierarchy of a site, even though you didn't enter on the home page and drill down. very nice - cmd-L, right arrow and delete (alot) is the only way i can replicate this.

cheers all,
Noticed a few issues with Safari which need to be addressed.

1. It appears that iSafari has not included CSS on text boxes and buttons. This is a big issue for web designers like myself who want our sites to look like they should! I know the Aqua buttons do look lovely but the text boxes really should be customisable in colour, border style, bg colour, font colour, font family etc.

2. When I have a window open full size, and I hit Command-N for a new window, the new window is shifted slightly to the right and down so the 'Close, Minimise, Maximise' buttons are still visible on the window behind. This means you have to move the new window in order to get to the scroll bar and resizer. This can get very very annoying!

Hope these issues have been resolved by the final release.

When is the final release date aiming to be? do we know?
CSS borders are whack too. border-collapse doesn't work at all.
the button thing is only a problem because aqua buttons are larger than little squares with text in 'em, so it throws some tables off size.
I think they need to get rid of the "Untitled #" in the title bar when you open a new window. That looks tacky.

And i want spell check on all the time. :)

nice thread, guys and gals
I like Safari a lot, on my machine it's definitely faster than IE, but pretty much feels the same as chimera.
I also like the download window - looks like ichat.
All in all, I'm excited for it's future.

By the way, wdw, your avatar is really smooth on netscape 4.6 for OS/2 warp, which is what we use here at work. I guess back in '97 they were making good browsers too.:rolleyes:
Interestingly - tabbing seems to take one through whichever form fields appear on the page & ultimately bring you to the google search box. Last stop before the search box is the address bar, so actually cmd-L then tab gets one into the google search box.
Note that shift tabbing starts one at the last form box on the page, so the google box sits in some grey nether region.

On this note, tab seems to be the easy way to get to the search box in most iApps with a couple of keystrokes - same interface feature, same behaviour - must be by Apple.

If this is the second new thing I learned today, does that mean I can take tomorrow off?
Originally posted by ianfinity

If this is the second new thing I learned today, does that mean I can take tomorrow off?

I wouldn't, I heard they're bringing in some consultants.:eek:
i don't rememebr if it was in this thread or another that I read somebody complaining about not having passwords stored in the keychain. Safari crashed for me, and I had to delete the prefs and reinstall it, and when I tried to go to a password protected site that I had saved, it asked me to allow keychain to acces the password. I guess it does have it.
Originally posted by wdw_
The scrolling is super fast and smoothe in Safari. The GIFs run very, VERY smoothly. I mean look at my avatar! I think it needs tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking and maybe an auction manager.

BTW - It looks good with an aqua scheme too.

WOW! It really is! (First page i loaded with Safari) and your icon! I never knew this was the original speed! ;)