Safari Making Me look Bad to Clients

Just curious - have you been able to try any of this with a 1.1beta Safari to see if it makes any difference?

Incidentally, does Apple offer a 1.1 Safari beta to developers (particularly web developers), or is it exclusively bundled with Panther? Safari still needs a HUGE amount of work, so I'd be concerned if web developers are being generally ignored as a testing audience...
Hmm, I don't have these issues at all, and I use Safari to make view small changes to things I make.

I've never had to remove caches to reload anything. Though then again, I don't believe I've tested any image changes, either.
Indeed, I repeat: a simple refresh always worked for me, including image changes.

However, disabling the WebCore cache should solve any update problem that a refresh won't handle.
I saw this in a similar thread list, and I was just wondering if you guys were still having the caching problems.
You can try holding down the Shift key while pressing the reload button -- this makes Safari force loading from the server instead of the cache.
I don't think doing a shift-refresh works in Safari.That has been my biggest complaint with Safari, small changes seem to very difficult to reflect in a refreshed page.

Although some of that is at the server level. Some servers hang on to cache files a bit longer then others, especially for local connections.

I've killed Safari's cache and history as well as used Safari Debugger to quickly add the Debug window and turned off all caching.... There was a Safari Cache killer program I used once, but I'm unable to find the source site.

Since my Panther update, I've noticed slight improvement to caching, but that could just be me.
I guess it's not just you. I don't like to not be able to not disable the cache with one click in the prefs if I just don't want to cache the pages.

There are some worse issues in Safari. Some pages just show badly, they don't load at all, or the added google addbar makes the wrbsite itself not to load before 2 or 3 forced refreshs. Those sites show correctly in Firebird instead, so I'm partially migrated to that browser. And, it has some things that I really enjoy; block banners and ad servers with one click, have a far better control over cookies than Safari allows... I can't imagine those ever be implemented in the next Safari.

Many people have dsl or faster, and many of them would not need or care to use the cache. I hope there will be a disable cache button (that works) in the next release of Safari.