Safari - Open Bookmark Folder in New Tabs


Firstly, my apologies as this is a topic that I've seen posted several times... Unfortunately, I haven't actually found an answer/workaround after searching a few different forums sites.

I've been using Camino as my primary web browser and have generally enjoyed it. However, my one real frustration is that every PDF I open has to download and be displayed in Preview rather than native within the browser (skimming lots of journal articles on PubMed becomes very tedious this way). As such, I was very excited to switch back to Safari when I saw that it can open PDF files in tabs.

And this bring me to the whole point of my post: How do I open a folder of bookmarks (e.g. from the bookmarks bar) in a new set of tabs without getting rid of all my existing tabs?

Camino and Firefox both offer this option and I find it really essential to my way of browsing the web. I don't want to open a new window just to view an entire set of bookmarks (the point is to keep them all open in one window) and I don't want to manually open each page in a new tab.

Sorry for the long post... But any help in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
If you're in the Bookmarks pane, you can right-click a folder and choose Open in Tabs. If the folder is in the Bookmarks Bar, Open in Tabs is the last command in the popup menu. Likewise in the folder's submenu in the Bookmarks menu.
I know that I can open all of the tabs in a folder from my bookmarks bar... the issue at hand is that I want those to open in NEW tabs within the same window without closing my existing tabs.

For example, the "Open All in Tabs" changes to "Open All in New Tabs" when I hold down the command key in Camino.
I don't think there's a choice in Safari. The default is opening in new tabs. Have you tried it and experienced differently?
I have tried to hold down the command key while clicking "Open in Tabs," but it does not change how the tabs are opened. All of the tabs come up, but everything that I previously had opened is replaced.
Huh. I hadn't noticed that before. Looks like Safari's had the same behavior for a few years. You might want to try OmniWeb instead, having the benefit of Safari's WebKit rendering engine and greater functionality including the bookmark behavior you desire.
I know how to get the new tabs in Firefox without closing the ones already open.
In about:config, set this to false: browser.tabs.loadFolderAndReplace.
Is there an equivalent to that command in Safari? I don't have a problem with Firefox, but I'll likely go back to Camino on my Mac if I cannot find an alternative that works.
In Safari open the BookMarks viewing folder (the book icon in the top drop down bar) and highlight the folder (that you want to open in Tabs) and right click and select "Open in Tabs".

Another way is to drag a folder to the Bookmarks bar (just below the address window) and right click on the folder (that you dragged to the bar) and select "Open in Tabs". You must not be afraid of right clicking.
Satcomer, that is pretty much exactly what earthsaver replied, but if you read the posts following that, you will see that does not actually address the issue that JPole and I are both looking to fix. Yes, we know we can open a bookmark folder's contents in tabs, but the problem remains that previously-opened tabs get overwritten. This is one of the main reasons holding me back from completely switching from Firefox.