Safari panics?


Chmod 760
Staff member
I wanted to see an image on this horrible site and it killed chimera... = had to trash cache to make it restart.. so i tried to see it with safari, and got a kernel panic.

It probably is not very polite to ask but have you others got kernel panics from safari - or do you get it from that ???

Why try to blame software for this crappy site! This web page reports all kinds of JavaScript errors, just plain crappy programming, amazing to load it at all. You had problems with 2 browsers that are both still in Beta! You can open this in Omniweb, probably IE and maybe others that admit to being more finished.

Sun Jan 12 21:59:21 2003

panic(cpu 0): zalloc
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x000856CC 0x00085AFC 0x000287A8 0x00042610 0x00030674 0x00092A38 0xFFBAB9B9
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x0CA7E500)
PC=0x90014188; MSR=0x0000F030; DAR=0x0260D7C6; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x901615A8; R1=0xBFFFD5F0; XCP=0x00000030 (0xC00 - System call)

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 6.3:
Sat Dec 14 03:11:25 PST 2002; root:xnu/xnu-344.23.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC


:confused: o
no, i'm not going to see try to see it nor in exploiter nor in OW. there was one gif that i'd have been interested in. if i cant see a page in chimera, i'm not going back unless i have to. and i don't have to this time.

anyone able to decipeher the panic?
sorry, that web page crashes both Safari and Chimera for me, too. It's a poorly programmed WEB PAGE, it crashes the browser you're testing (it's just a beta, you know), send a bug report to Apple, that's why there's a bug button. That's also why you still keep other browsers that may be more compatible for certain web sites. OW will load it, but cranks out a lot of Javascript errors. But at least it does load and display...fwiw
Probably i hit nearly as much as i hit the refresh button, also the bug button....
IE only when i have to. maybe if i still have patience to see that page, i try with icab.
yea, it is crappy and i said it but it had one image in it that was funny, the girl over the start button down in teh page...