Safari v1

it crashed when I first used it, so I removed PithHelmet and it's working. I'm glad they got 1.0 out (in only 6 months too w00t!) but until they start adding features I won't be too impressed.

Don't get me wrong, speed is a feature but it's not apple-vative.
Anyone else getting bad text rendering with 1.0? Seems like anything below 8pt. falls apart (including all the posts on this forum)
Heh, just downloaded PithHelmet for 1.0 (found link here). Had to manually install everything, but seems to be working quite well now. Safari is screamin' now!

edit: yeah the small text looking like crap has been around since v80 :(
my text was suddenly smaller. just look at the appearance prefs and play with them on a site that looks odd... otherwise: 1.0 rocks.
Yea i decreased my font by 1 pt for standard and fixed-width in the appearance, that got it back to the way i like
Still having problems with text like this:
Originally posted by owaters
Still having problems with text like this:

Set your "standard font" in prefs to be one point size larger (try two if one doesn't work). I had the same thing and setting it one larger did the trick (from Lucida Grande 12 to Lucida Grande 13). Anything under 13 and the fonts on this forum looked like crap. Unfortunate for us laptop users as I try to set the point size as small as possible to get as much on the screen as possible.
It still feels like a beta version: Some pages still don't load as they should: Check out to see what I mean. This page renders properly in Mozilla, IE and Camino (to which I'll stick at least until the render problems are solved).
There also appears to be some funny page caching issues (can't provide link since it's an internal site). Been working fine on Mozilla (Win and Mac). Pity, since this is an app we use ALL the time and will force me back to Mozilla if it can't be resolved.
Also, anyone know if there is a way to STOP it from switching tabs when the page in another tab auto reloads? It's annoying as hell to have the thing switch in the middle of doing something (like typing this post for instance :mad:)

Plus, anyone else beside me absolutely despises having the close widget on the tab itself. I'm constantly accidentally clicking on it (maybe because I'm so used to Mozilla tabs where I can safely click anywhere). It seems to me that closing a tab is done infrequently enough that it's ok to have a single widget away from the tabs themselves (vs the danger of accidentally hitting the close). Not to mention the waste of screen real estate.