safari vs. firefox: security


PowerPC Fanatic
I would like some thoughts on how secure you all feel safari is. we all know firefox is very secure but I hardly ever see anything about safari security being good or bad.

I prefer safari in many ways and would rather use it as my sole browser but till I know more about its security I feel firefox is still needed on my system.

thoughts? experiences?
What do you mean in terms of "security?" When you hit a secure site, Safari is as secure as Mozilla is as secure as FireFox is as secure as Opera... they all use the 128-bit secure stuff.

Again, when you say "secure," what exactly do you mean? People getting in and looking a cookies? Seeing your history? Stealing your bookmarks? Using secure sites?
ElDiabloConCaca said:
when you say "secure," what exactly do you mean? People getting in and looking a cookies? Seeing your history? Stealing your bookmarks? Using secure sites?

yes, things like that. I didn't mean for encryption.
No one can see that data unless they have physical access to your computer.

I would put my faith more in Safari than in FireFox. The only time I'll switch to FireFox or Mozilla is when I hit a site that just refuses to work with Safari, which is a rarity.

For normal, everyday things like surfing around, any browser is fine. Plus, unless you work for the government or keep thousands of credit card records on your machine, no one wants your bookmarks and cookies anyway. Hackers/crackers ain't gonna waste their time trying to break into a system that has nothing on it but some personal stuff. Home users rarely get "hacked" -- virii are the big threat to home users, not hackers.