Hello Oldedit,
My name is Jeremy and I will be assisting you today. I actually had a friend with the exact same problem. Let me show you how to fix this:
1) Back up your bookmarks to a safe location. Your Safari bookmarks are in Your Home/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist. Copy the Bookmarks.plish file to a flash drive, or somewhere safe.
2) Download Safari from
http://www.apple.com/safari/download/ and save it where you saved your bookmarks backup. Once again, I suggest a flash drive.
3) Download an application deletion software, such as AppCleaner or AppZapper. A simple Google search will provide you with download locations.
4) Once you have installed the application deletion software, run it to delete Safari. The application *should* find and delete all files related to your Safari install. This is why it is important to save your safari download package and your bookmarks backup to a flash drive off of your system. If you did not do this, make sure to uncheck these files from the deletion list.
5) Restart your computer and install Safari once again. Once you have installed it, you should copy your bookmarks file to the new Safari's location. It will be located at "Your Home/Library/Safari/". If their is already a Bookmarks.plist in the Safari folder, then replace it with the backup.
I hope that this solves your problem. Please let me know if it does not.
Tech Support Agent