Safari won't play Windows Media


Tech-Bot 5000
Here's the problem. I can't play any windows media video streams through Safari. This is the only thing keeping me from ditching IE forever. Anyone got any ideas?

I have the Windows Media player already installed, but the window that comes up when I click on wm links says the path to the file is broken. Does Safari need a file to tell it to run WM in order to play WM files?

Any help appreciated. :)
what about this: download the stream-file with option+click and double click on your finder. WMP should open and you won't be in need to run ie.
and if you can't download the stream file? when i ctrl-click, the link is considered just as a gif file, and i can't download it... i have WMP installed, but it's not recognized as a safari plug-in... how can i correctly install it? or i just can't?
Then simply copy the link you will see in the adress banner once you got the plugin error. Paste it into WMP using: open a new url
There should be an adress (url) in the topmost box of safari, where you type for example. Copy this url and then paste it into WMP as a new url.
If that stream you are trying to receive is not somehow secret, can you send me the link so I test it?
In my experience, only WMV video files play with Windows Media Player, and even then, they launch the stanalone player and play the stream that way.

I've never been able to get an ASF to play on my Macintosh using Windows Media Player in Safari.
there isn't, cause probably is 'somehow secret'....:) the address is, then click on 'ascolta la radio', at the beginning of the page, just below the logo!
Works for me in Safari. A Safari window with the broadcast is playing music right now. You should check under the Safari Help menu for Installed Plug-ins for a category for Windows Media Plugin. If you don't see that, then you should reinstall windows media player. Check that you have version 9. Download from Microsoft downloads if you don't. If all looks good, but still just doesn't work, try quitting all browsers, and any apps that provide any internet access, and delete the file [your user]/Library/Preferences/
This file seems to provide setup for any browser plugins, and deleting the file seems to help plug-ins related problems of various types. While you are in the preferences folder, you could also remove the Windows Media Player Prefs file. These files are both re-created when needed.
The url is
Entering this in a browser without Windoze Media Player plugin/support will download a file. Double clicking on that file will open the radio stream in applications like VLC.

EDIT: Other streams use different protocols, but can also be used with VLC, like Radio Deejay: mms://
Just use VLC->File->Open Network and then paste the url in the appropriate field. No Windows required. :)