Saving Excel files on a 2003 Server

I manage an office of both macs and PCs. We recently migrated our shared drive from a SNAP drive to Windows 2003 Server. When we used the SNAP drive, we had issues witht he macs saving Excel files - saves were failing and temporary file name changes were occuring. I assumed that this was caused by the SNAP being close to its memory capacity, but obviously, I was wrong, because the problem persists on the Windows 2003 Server.

Here is the problem in a nut shell:
-User opens an Excel file from the server
-User updates or changes said Excel file
-User goes to save said Excel file in the location from which it was opened on the server.
-Save fails
-Excel will not allow user to save as a different file name or in a different location using "Save As" command
-Excel gives file a crazy temp file name that is a series of numbers and letters
-User closes Excel file
-User goes to server and locates same Excel file using the series of numbers and letters that the failed save had named it. User opens Excel file.
-User attempts again to "Save As" and rename this file with its original file name and save to original location on the server.
-Again, the save fails and Excel gives file a new name that is a series of letters and numbers.
This goes on, ad nauseum.
The only way around this problem that I have found is after the first save fails, you go to the server and open the newly renamed file, use the "Save As" function to rename it with its original name and save it to the desktop, then from the desktop, drag and drop it back to its original server location, and delete the duplicate file with the letter/number name from the server. You can see how this is a pain in the butt.

Any light to shed on this? This is only happening on the macs in the office, the PCs seem to have no saving issues. I would migrate everyone from mac to PC as sharing files is not an option for the work that we do, but my Executive Director is a die-hard mac fan so I would always have at least one mac on the network.

Please help!
Update your MAC Clients to the latest Office 2004 version. This seemed to help a little bit with the problem. Essentially, the problem is there needs to be a .temporaryitems or whatever folder in EACH folder that a user saves to. If it is not there, they won't be able to save as properly. One of the lamest things I have ever seen imo. This isn't a Microsoft Windows issue, but rather a Microsoft Word for Mac issue.
I saw this under the list of 'reasons to upgrade to 10.4.7' on the Apple site:

- sharing using AFP, SMB/CIFS, NFS and FTP file sharing protocols
- reliable access to Open Directory, LDAP and Active Directory services
- login and authentication in a variety of network environments
- file access and byte range locking with AFP file sharing

point 1 is horribily ambiguous, however, point 4 may be of interest to Mac Server users?

There's also a update to Office 2004 (11.2.5), I'm scared to ask if this helps?

ATB chaps.
I am a recent switcher and managed to convince my company president for us to switch to large scale Mac use in our company, him included. The switch is not only away from windoze, but all M$ software too. Open Office replaced M$ Office. Glad we did this from reading this thread about the hassle with Excel. My bitter experience with M$ and ANY other OS vendor out there has never been good.

We are using Chronosync to ensure that work documents are backed up. Even though we have a gigabit network and a server with a fast disk subsystem, the traffic can be very high if the files live only on the server. As noted in the thread, you can't rely/trust the users to protect their own data. Either have the files live on the network or use some form of sync software or scripting to protect the data. This solution is especially good for our graphics people as their files are LARGE!

The biggest problem, IMHO, that faces any sysadmin today, is to get the support of their clients/boss to accept change. I am one of the few lucky ones out there.

For any potential switchers out there, remember that Less is More. Define your real needs, not just the historical "what we have".

Anybody found a solution to this ongoing issue? :(

Surely there is a fix for this :mad: either M$ or Apple need to take control of this and get to the bottom of it.


I have found something that seems to of cured the problem for the minute.
Time will tell but it has worked initially.

Here goes:

Something new is found..

try this...

(1) Open a new worksheet
(2) Key in any words
(3) File -> Save As...
(4) Choose Format to "Excel 97-2004 & 5.0/95 Workbook". (You may not really need to choose this. It looks like the default format of "Save As..." in my mac.)
(5) After running "Save As...", it will run well this time. Now, just back to Excel and press "apple" + "s" (or just click save icon)

It will give you the same error message. (if it doesn't, just try another "apple"+"s". It will go hanging.)(If System Monitor is opened, you can find CPU utility goes 100%)

(1) Reopen the problem file
(2) File -> Save As
(3) Choose Format as to "Excel Workbook"
(4) After that, the problem goes away. And, I can enjoy "apple"+"s" now. :-)
(5) I also switch the default format back to Workbook, too

Post your results whether it worked for you or not.

Fingers crossed :rolleyes:
