Scheduling workflows from Automator


I've created a workflow in Automator saved as an application which I'd like to run at varying times on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday EVERY week. I've looked for solutions on Google, I found Anacron, which is good in the fact it runs in the background, but doesn't allow me to select times during the week for it to run, it just has the option of setting daily, weekly and monthly tasks which isn't flexible enough for my needs. I also read iCal does this, but it requires iCal to be running permanently, not as a daemon like Anacron, it also doesn't appear to allow me to set events on for example, 9am on Monday *indefinitely*, it appears to only allow a manual entry which I'd have to set up for each individual week.

So I'm wondering if anyone knows of an alternative that would meet my requirement? My OS is Leopard.

You may want to write a simple shell (bash, etc.) script that uses the command-line "osascript" to execute AppleScripts from the shell. Then, install that as a service, and use cron (deprecated, I believe) or launchd (preferred) depending on your OS X version to schedule and run the shell script.

More info on launchd:

A tiny tidbit on using osascript in the shell (text-search for 'osascript'): all depends on how comfortable you are with the shell and configuring cron/launchd services.