Screen darkening?


Recently, I've notice that the left side of the screen on my iBook G4 seems darker, especially what I first turn it on or take it out of sleep mode. It seems to be centered over the left speaker. It slowly brightens up a little bit after a minute or two, but it's still not as bright as the other side.
I've tried fiddling with the F2 brightness control and I went into system preferences and checked it there, but nothing is out of the ordinary. Is the screen just dying on me? It's only about 2 1/2 years old. :(
Sounds typical of a backlight starting to go. You may get another couple of years, or may fail tomorrow. You will still have video, but the screen will not have brightness, the same as turning your brightness all the way down. I don't think you can replace the backlight bulbs in an iBook display, but someone else may answer with better news.
If you live in a cold climate, the brightness can take a few minutes to warm up to full brightness.
That's one of the advantages of the new LED displays, there's no warmup time, and there shouldn't be the degradation of brightness as the display ages.