Screen Problems - PowerBook G4


I've recently switched to Mac for college. My PowerBook G4 15 inch has been running fine for 2 weeks. I leave my computer, and come back to it. I move the mouse and the screen flashes rapidly. I played around with the display settings and the flashing of the entire monitor will stop after the brightness is turned down significantly. Its a pain to be on the comp. w/ a dim screen. Apple support had me reset the power settings and didnt help and told me to take it to a service center (theres 1 here on campus). I think its a hardware problem, but if anyone can help me it'd be great if theres somethign else I can try. It also seems that every time that I open the screen up, the comp. makes an unusual noise before the screen turns on.

I didnt take it there yet b/c it only started flashing today. Their open tomorrow, but I'm just trying to see if its something I could possibly fix myself or might be a software or system issue. I have tons of work to do and I really dont want to have to give up my comp for a few days.