SCREW Epson - Printing To Unsuported Printers!

Honestly the best way to find what other printers are in your series printers family is to do a search on google and if that brings no luck, check out your local ink cartridge store and on the box it should list compatible printers.
This is an interesting topic. I have just setup OS 10.1 server and my Laser Writer Pro 630 prints from Windows XP! Now EPson will not support the 3000 in X. If I could, I would be very happy. Is there any way to make the driver for this great printer? Or has someone made this yet?
Originally posted by theCaptain
Quite honestly, I have been very impressed with Epson. They are one of the few companies that is actually making an effort to update drivers for OS X. The CS 670 is a damn good printer. Yeah it might have cost like 50 dollars, but that was a bargain. If I had paid like 600 dollars for a high quality photo printer I be happy to know that Epson is making it a priority to support those printers first, although it would be nice of Epson to possibly create a whole division devoted to OS X support.

I Have an Epson SC 3000. Paid US$1,600.00. It is orphaned. Am I mad? You should see the steam coming out of my ears.

Epson disappoints me greatly.
would you please make the Epson Stylus C80 work on os x over network ? i would then go buy the epson print server.
go to someone hacked print drivers for the epson photo 750 and they work!

i'm so happy!

I use a Seiko CDP-2000 printer (prints CD onbodies) which is actually an Epson Styles COLOR 440.

I can’t buy a new Epson printer in order to get over the lack of a driver.